November 2015 Newsletter


Welcome to the November ’15 edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.


This month’s topics include:



CFP: IEEE TCSVT SI on Group and Crowd Behavior Analysis for Intelligent Multi-camera Video Surveillance


Call for Participation: IEEE Intl. Symp. on Multimedia




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Special Issue on Group and Crowd Behavior Analysis for Intelligent Multi-camera Video Surveillance



Despite significant progress in human behaviour analysis over the past few years, most of today’s state of the art

algorithms focus on analysing individual behaviour in a simple environment monitored by a single camera.

Recently, the widespread availability of cameras and a growing need for public safety have shifted the attention of

researchers in video surveillance from individual behavior analysis to group and crowd behavior analysis in multicamera

networks. Group behavior analysis provides a novel level for describing events, which are semantically more

meaningful, highlighting barely visible relational connections among people. Crowd behavior analysis can also be

used for anomaly detection such as panic scenarios, dangerous situations, and illegal behaviors in public spaces.

Although the studies on group and crowd behavior analysis in multi-camera networks are valuable for both research

and industry, there are many fundamental problems unsolved so far, such as how to calibrate multiple cameras, how

to compute the topology of camera networks, how to detect moving objects in dynamic scenes, how to track human

across camera views, how to complement RGB and depth data for accurate human pose estimation, how to fuse

information from multiple cameras for the analysis of group and crowd behaviour, how to automatically learn

abnormal behaviour patterns, just to mention a few among a diverse range of challenges. This special issue will

provide the image/video community with a forum to present new academic research and industrial development in

intelligent multi-camera video surveillance.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


– Robust multi-camera calibration

– Dynamic background subtraction

– Human tracking over multiple cameras

– Person re-identification

– Human pose estimation using RGB-D data

– Human action recognition

– Affective computing of human behaviour

– Group detection and tracking

– Collective crowd behaviours modelling and learning

– Abnormal behaviour patterns learning and detection

– Learning on big visual data in multi-camera networks

– Privacy-preserving multi-camera surveillance

– Benchmark database and evaluation


In particular, we encourage the construction and dissemination of publicly accessible databases for Group and

Crowd Behavior Analysis with Multiple Cameras.



Important Dates



Initial Paper Submission: December 15, 2015

Initial Paper Decision: February 28, 2016

Revised Paper Submission: April 15, 2016

Revised Paper Decision: June 15, 2016

Publication Date: December 2016






Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications

Editor-in-Chief: Borko Furht

Guest Editors: Britta Meixner, Rene Kaiser, Joscha Jäger, Wei Tsang Ooi, Harald Kosch



This MTAP Special Issue focuses on novel forms of interactive media experience. It will publish

recent advances regarding the shifting balance between lean-back passive TV and Web-based

media experience, and lean-forward interactivity. This shift is scientifically interesting in new

forms of collaborative content creation, controlling the media with a companion screen, and

more advanced forms of audiovisual content interaction. Therefore, new media formats and

consumption paradigms have emerged that allow for new types of interactivity. Beyond

entertainment, interactive audiovisual content has strong potential for learning and support



In this Special Issue we seek technological research on more active interaction with audiovisual

content, e.g. collaborative hypermedia generation, social media integration, game-like interfaces,

or intelligent storytelling and narrative engines. Solicited contributions shall deal with both

recorded and live media access. Mobile and domestic experience may be investigated.

Interesting research questions to be addressed are for instance: How can forms of (inter-)active

media access be designed to be interwoven with passive experience modes? How does the

balance between active and passive consumption affect the Quality of Experience? How can

interactivity enhance the experience of people watching together, even when they are in disjoint

locations? How can content personalization be enhanced through interactivity, and at which

abstraction level do users want to interact? What do recent studies on interaction with content

in the realm of social media sharing reveal? How can we understand how users want to use

physical devices to interact? Which requirements for content production do new forms of

interactive media imply? Which technical advances are needed to allow the industry to offer

more interactive media services?


Topics of interest are:


* Enabling technologies

o Tools/Formats/Technologies for content adaptation, rendering and converting

for a wide variety of devices and delivery channels

o Research on interactive content delivery and synchronization

o Automatic content analysis

o Authoring tools and players, especially author support

o New forms of interaction like VR goggles, wearables, and cyber-physical systems

o Approaches for interactive personalization and recommendation

o Technologies for passive experience and lean-forward interaction


* Experiences

o QoS and QoE

o Ways of interaction

o Personalized and Collaborative multimedia experience and creation

o Studies and foundations from the social sciences

o Approaches for inclusion and improved accessibility (e.g. automatic content

enhancement for special needs)


* User Interaction

o Interaction concepts and methods of feedback

o User studies that evaluate new types of content interaction (joint interaction of

groups, balance between active and passive media consumption, trends)

o Research on natural interaction techniques

o Experiments on multi-modal interaction and social signal processing, especially

gesture control and speech recognition


* Content

o New types of content (e.g. content from gaming and VR domains, adaptable

content, content of variable length, content captured by novel types of sensors)

o Recommendations, standards and formats


* Best practices in all areas listed above


* Future challenges



Manuscript Submission: December 20, 2015

First Round Decision: February 15, 2016

Revised Manuscript: March 1, 2016

Second Round Decision: April 15, 2016

Revised Manuscript: May 1, 2016

Notification of Acceptance: June 1, 2016

Final Manuscript: July 1, 2016



All the papers should be full journal length versions (18-30 pages) and follow the guidelines set

out by Multimedia Tools and Applications:

Manuscripts should be submitted online at

“INTERACTIVE MEDIA: TECHNOLOGY AND EXPERIENCE” as article type. All the papers will be

peer reviewed following the MTAP reviewing procedure.



Britta Meixner, University of Passau (


Joscha Jäger, Merz Akademie Stuttgart (

Wei Tsang Ooi, National University of Singapore (

Harald Kosch, University of Passau (



Call for Participation:


IEEE 2015 International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)


December 14-16, Miami, FL, USA


The symposium is the flagship conference of IEEE TCMC and features 5 keynote talks,

two plenary forums, five distinguished lectures, eight invited talks, and full/short paper

sessions and workshops.

