About IEEE CS Distinguished Visitors Program:


The IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitors Program (DVP) was initiated in 1971 by Dr. Stephen Yau. It is a popular offering of top quality speakers serving IEEE Computer Society professional and student chapters. The DVP owes its success to the many volunteers and staff members of the Computer Society who generously contribute their time and talent.


About IEEE CS Student and Young Professionals Activities Committee:


The IEEE CS Student & Young Professional Activities Committee (SYP) under the IEEE CS MGA Board is responsible for promoting membership activities within the Computer Society to specifically address the needs of students and young professionals globally through initiatives targeted at advancing their knowledge, development and careers.


Conference Co-Chairs:


Jan Belohoubek
IEEE SYP Czechoslovakia Section Chair | jan.belohoubek@ieee.org
Ph.D. student, FIT CTU | jan.belohoubek@fit.cvut.cz
R&D Engineer, KET UWB | belohoub@ket.zcu.cz


Sudharshan R.
IEEE Madras Section YP Exe-Com Member | sudharshan.r.1995@ieee.org
Graduate Student | Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Nathan Toth
IEEE Madison Section Chair | tothnj@ieee.org
IT Security Systems Administrator | Alliant Energy Corporation, Madison, WI


Advisory Panel:


George Proeller
Chair, IEEE CS Distinguished Visitors Program | gjproeller@gmail.com


Megha Ben
Chair, IEEE CS SYP | megha.ben.in@ieee.org


Vice Chair (Collaborations), IEEE CS SYP | shivam.1996.in@ieee.org


Staff Support:


Kerry Cosby
Chapters Manager, IEEE Computer Society | k.cosby@computer.org