LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 29 September 2016
Kyle Chard of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, Sunita Chandrasekaran of the University of Delaware, and Seyong Lee of Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been selected as recipients of the 2016 IEEE-CS TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing.
Kyle Chard is a Senior Researcher and Fellow in the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. His research interests include distributed computing, resource allocation, service oriented science, and computational and data-intensive science. He is a member of the Globus team where he contributes to the development of scientific services that support scalable movement, sharing, analysis, cataloging, and publication of research data.
Chard has developed social and economic methods for securely and efficiently allocating resources in high performance and distributing computing environments; these methods include cooperative market models, secure auction-based techniques, and economic negotiation strategies. More recently he has developed automated and cost-aware cloud provisioning techniques for efficiently executing large-scale scientific analyses.
He received his PhD from the Department of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Prof. Sunita Chandrasekaran is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware with the Computer & Information Sciences Department. Her research interests include exploring suitability of high-level programming models and runtime systems for HPC and embedded platforms along with exploring challenges while migrating scientific applications to such systems. Her research publications are on developing and using parallel programming models, building compiler and runtime frameworks, and adapting scientific applications on parallel computing platforms.
She has served on various technical program committees and has been co-chairing parallel programming workshops/symposiums co-located with SC, ISC, IPDPS and SIAM conferences. Prof. Chandrasekaran received her PhD from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
Seyong Lee is a computer scientist in the Computer Science and Mathematics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His research interests include parallel programming and performance optimization in heterogeneous computing environments, program analysis, and optimizing compilers.
Lee is a member of the OpenACC Technical Forum, and he served as a program committee/guest editor/external reviewer for various conferences, journals, and research proposals. He received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University.
The IEEE Computer Society TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing, sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) and its member Technical Committees, Technical Committee on Parallel Process (TCPP) and Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), recognizes up to 3 individuals who have made outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting contributions in the field of high performance computing within 5 years of receiving their PhD degree as of January 01 of the year of the award.
Awardees will be presented a plaque and will be recognized by IEEE Computer Society TCPP and TCCC websites, newsletters and archives.
The awards will be presented at the SC16 conference that will be held in Salt Lake City, UT, USA during November 13 – 18, 2016. Details of the conference can be found at http://sc16.supercomputing.org.
For more information about IEEE Computer Society awards, visit www.computer.org/awards.