LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 27 September 2017
IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) selects Antonio J. Peña of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Amanda Randles of Duke University, and Shuaiwen Leon Song of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, as 2017 winners of the IEEE-CS Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing.
Dr. Antonio J. Peña is a Senior Researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Computer Sciences Department since 2015. He holds a Spanish Juan de la Cierva fellowship and is a prospective European Marie Curie Fellow. Peña is the Manager of the BSC/UPC NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence and member of the BSC Outreach Working Group. Within the Programming Models Group, he is Activity Leader for the “Accelerators and Communications for HPC” team. He has also a Teaching and Research Staff appointment at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain.
His research interests in the area of runtime systems and programming models for high performance computing include resource heterogeneity and communications.
Peña holds a BS+MS degree in Computer Engineering (2006), and MS and PhD degrees in Advanced Computer Systems (2010, 2013), from Universitat Jaume I, Spain. He received the Extraordinary Doctoral Award from the Universitat Jaume I in 2015 for his success starting the rCUDA (“remote CUDA”) project. Pena was formerly a Postdoctoral Appointee at Argonne National Laboratory (2013-2015), where he worked within the MPICH core team and acted as technical leader for several projects.
Peña is highly active in the organization of international events such as BSC’s PUMPS Summer School (organizer) and EuroMPI 2018 (General Chair). Pena has been involved in 20+ projects, in the organization committee of 20+ international research and dissemination activities, as PC member of 25+ international conferences and workshops, and serves as a reviewer in 15+ international journals. Peña has co-authored 30+ peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conferences.
Dr. Amanda Randles is an Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering at Duke University with secondary appointments in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering. She is also a member of the Duke Cancer Institute, and a jointly appointed faculty member of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Randles’ work focuses on the design of large-scale parallel applications targeting biomedical questions. Her research goals are to both investigate fundamental questions related to fluid dynamics as well as extend the multiscale models to study cancer metastasis and vascular disease.
In 2014, she was awarded the NIH Early Independence Award to support the development of models of cancer migration in the human vasculature. Randles is a co-inventor on 115 US patents in the field of parallel computing. She won the ACM/IEEE-CS George Michael High Performance Computing Fellowship in 2010 and 2012 and was a finalist for the Gordon Bell Prize for achievement in high performance computing in 2010 and 2015.
Randles received her Bachelor’s Degree in both Computer Science and Physics from Duke University, her Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Harvard University, and her Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University with a secondary field in Computational Science. From 2013-2015, She was a Lawrence Fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Before graduate school, she worked for three years as a software developer at IBM on the Blue Gene Development Team.
Shuaiwen Leon Song is a senior staff scientist in High Performance Computing (HPC) Group at Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL). He is also an adjunct scholar with the Computer Science department at the College of William & Mary.
His previous research interests have covered a broad spectrum of HPC research topics, with a recent focus on software-architecture co-design, large-scale system modeling and optimization, and providing optimized design solutions for complex emerging HPC architectures.
Song is the recipient of 2011 Paul E. Torgersen Excellent research award ,2011 Livermore ISCR scholar, 2016 PNNL PCSD outstanding performance award, two SC best paper/student paper nominations, and 2017 HiPEAC paper award. His works appear in major HPC and computer architecture conferences, including ASPLOS, MICRO, HPCA, SC and PACT. He has also served on technical and organizing committee for several major HPC-related venues.
Song received his PhD in Computer Science from Virginia Tech.
The IEEE-CS TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing is sponsored by the IEEE-CS Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) and its member Technical Committees, Technical Committee on Parallel Process (TCPP) and Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC). The TCHPC Award recognizes up to three individuals who have made outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting contributions in the field of high performance computing within five years of receiving their PhD degree as of January 1 of the year of the award.
Awardees will be presented a plaque and will be recognized by IEEE Computer Society TCPP and TCCC websites, newsletters and archives.
IEEE-CS will present the awards at the SC17 conference held in Denver, Colorado, USA, November 13 – 16, 2017. Details of the conference are available at http://sc17.supercomputing.org.
Visit the official IEEE-CS TCHPC page at http://tc.computer.org/tchpc/home-page/page-of-awards/.
For information about all IEEE-CS awards, visit www.computer.org/awards.