Distinguished Service Award

The award is to be given to an individual with distinguished service to the Internet research community (as defined by the TCI scope, and will be announced and presented to the awardee during the ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), which will take place in Washington, D.C. on November 7-9, 2019. People — whether from academia, industry, or government — are eligible for consideration for the award and will be evaluated based on their service contributions to the community.  Self-nominations are not accepted.

Examples of achievements include but are not limited to the following:

  • Catalyzing new Internet research communities
  • Leadership in journal editorial processes
  • Leadership in organizing established conferences or starting new conferences
  • Leadership in creating new research opportunities for the community (e.g., organizing and leading a significant new research institute or center, shaping the programs of funding agencies such as NSF, etc)
  • Leadership in societies relevant to the TCI scope
  • Leadership in Internet standardization activities (e.g., IETF, W3C)

The nomination package must include:

  1. The current CV of the nominee;
  2. A nominating letter (limited to 500 words) highlighting the nominee’s service to the Internet research community; and
  3. A support letter from another individual (not the nominee or the nominator) of no more than 250 words.

Please submit nominations by email to weisong@wayne.edu. The deadline for nominations is September 1, 2019.

The award selection committee members for 2019 are:

  • Sumi Helal (University of Florida)
  • Arun Iyengar (IBM)
  • Weisong Shi, Chair (Wayne State University)

The committee reserves the right to seek external opinions during the evaluation of nominated candidates.