Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (ISSN: 2306-0212) |
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Authors: Ting-Chia Hsu1*, Siu-Cheung Kong2
2: The Education University of Hong Kong
*: Corresponding Author
I. Overview
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) is a premier annual international forum for researchers, practitioners and policy makers in the Chinese communities for the worldwide dissemination and sharing of ideas for research in the field of Computers in Education. The conference program will comprise keynotes, paper presentations, workshops, teacher forums and doctoral student forum. All the accepted papers in the main conference, workshops and Doctoral Student Forum will be published in ISBN-coded proceedings.
II. History and Development
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) is an annual international academic conference organised by the “Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education” (http://www.gcsce.org/en/home.php). The 23rd GCCCE was held at Central China Normal University, Wuhan in May 2019. The 24th GCCCE was held at Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou in September 2020. The conference has been developed as a premier academic event for researchers, practitioners and policy makers in the Chinese communities for the worldwide dissemination and sharing of ideas for research in the field of Computers in Education.
The 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021) will be organised by The Education University of Hong Kong, Beijing Normal University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Institute of Education, Singapore in blended mode on 11 – 15 September 2021.
The organization of GCCCE 2021 included one conference chair, Prof. Rong-Huai HUANG, and two co-chairs who are Prof. Tak-Wai CHAN and Prof. Chee-Kit LOOI. One international program coordination chair is Prof. Siu-Cheung KONG, and one vice-chair is Prof. Qi-Yun WANG. There are two local organizing chairs. One is Prof. Yan-Yan LI who hosts GCCCE2021 in Beijing Normal University, and the other one is Prof. Ting-Chia HSU who hosts GCCCE2021 in National Taiwan Normal University. GCCCE 2021 will be held in blended mode with online conferencing for all participants and physical venue provided for local participants as appropriate. The GCCCE 2021 website is https://www.eduhk.hk/gccce2021/index.html.
III. Sub-conferences of GCCCE 2021
The conference programme consists of nine theme-based sub-conferences and some workshop and forums, shown in the following:
- C1: Learning Sciences & Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Chair: Yu-Qin YANG)
- C2: Mobile, Ubiquitous & Contextual Learning (Chair: Su CAI)
- C3: Joyful Learning, Educational Games & Digital Toys (Chair: Ming-Fong JAN)
- C4: Technology in Higher Education & Adult Learning, and Teachers’ Professional Development (Chair: Chun-Ping ZHENG)
- C5: Technology-Enhanced Language and Humanities Learning (Chair: Kam-Cheong LI)
- C6: Artificial Intelligence in Education & Smart Learning Environments (Chair: Ting-Ting WU)
- C7: Learning Analytics & Assessments (Chair: Gao-Wei CHEN)
- C8: STEM & Maker Education (Chair: Long-Kai WU)
- C9: Educational Technology: Innovations, Policies & Practice (Chair: Kien-Tsong CHAU)
- English Paper Track (Chair: Qi-Yun WANG)
- Teacher Forum (Chairs: Chiu-Pin LIN, Juan WU, Wai-Ming KAM)
- Workshops (Chair: Henry CHENG)
- Doctoral Student Forum (Chair: Maiga CHANG)
When you want to submit your paper, Please visit EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccce2021.
Submissions must not be published previously. All the submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed. The review will focus on whether the work is original and is of good quality through theoretical and empirical methods. Below are the important dates of GCCCE 2021 conference. Contributions should be made in English or in Chinese (Full paper: 8 pages; Short paper: 4 pages; Poster: 2 pages). For Chinese papers, the title, abstract, and keywords should be provided with both Chinese and English versions. The paper should be uploaded onto the Paper Submission System in PDF file format.
- Deadline for Paper Submission: 29 March 2021
- Notification of Acceptance: 31 May 2021
- Camera-ready paper due: 21 June 2021
- Deadline for Early Registration: 15 July 2021
We look forward to seeing you at GCCCE 2021.