Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (ISSN: 2306-0212) |
Authors: Nian-Shing Chen*
*: Corresponding Author
I. Introduction
The International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) is an annual conference organized by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology. It aims to bring together people who are working on the design, development, use and evaluation of technologies that will be the foundation of the next generation of e-learning systems and technology enhanced learning environments. After its kick-off as IWALT in Palmerston North, New Zealand (2000), ICALT has been held in Madison, USA (2001), Kazan, Russia (2002), Athens, Greece (2003), Joensuu, Finland (2004), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2005), Kerkade, The Netherlands (2006), Niigata, Japan (2007), Santander, Spain (2008), Riga, Latvia (2009), Sousse, Tunisia (2010), Athens, Georgia, USA (2011), Rome, Italy (2012), Beijing, China (2013), Athens, Greece (2014), Hualien, Taiwan (2015), Austin, USA (2016), Timisoara, Romania (2017), Mumbai, India (2018), and Maceió, Brazil (2019). The 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2020) is held online due to COVID-19 pandemic, organized by the Institute of Education at the University of Tartu, Estonia. This year (ICALT 2021) will be organized and conducted as an online conference.
II. Theme-based Tracks
The ICALT conference this year features 13 tracks on various thematic topics, including: Track 1. Technologies for Open Learning and Education (i-OPENLearn). Track 2. Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning (APTeL). Track 3. Wireless, Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning (WMUTE). Track 4. Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL). Track 5. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). Track 6. Big Data in Education and Learning Analytics (BDELA). Track 7. Technology-Enhanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education (TeSTEM). Track 8. Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL). Track 9. Technology-Enhanced Learning of Disciplinary Practices (TELeaD). Track 10. Technology-supported education for people with disabilities (TeDISABLE). Track 11. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Learning Environments (AISLE). Track 12. Augmented Reality and Virtual Worlds in Education and Training (ARVWET). Track 13. Motivational and Affective Aspects in Technology-enhanced Learning (MA-TEL) & Doctoral Consortium.
III. Incentives
The high-quality accepted papers will be invited to submit the extended version of the paper to International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (https://igi-global.com/ijdet included in Web of Science’s ESCI, SCOPUS, EI and other indexes), Bulletin of Technical Committee on Learning Technology (https://tc.computer.org/tclt/bulletin/, open access and included in ESCI), and Special Issue of Sustainability (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/sustainability_edu, open access with article processing fee and included in SSCI).
IV. Registration, Fee and Account Structure
The approved ICALT 2021 Author Registration fee for IEEE Member (if you are an active IEEE member) is 225 USD and for non IEEE member is 270 USD. Each Author Registration will get you one account to attend the sessions/panels in ICALT 2021 online. If you have second paper being accepted (i.e., you are one of the authors for both papers), you could pay extra 135 USD (if you are an active IEEE member) or 165 USD (if you are not an IEEE member) to cover the second paper’s publication cost. Please note that you will still have only one account to attend ICALT 2021 online. If you have three papers accepted (i.e., you are one of the authors for all three papers), then they need to be covered by two Author Registrations and the second paper fee can be chosen by one of the two Author Registrations. There will be also two accounts given accordingly. Please note that to make sure that you could always get all updates and information that IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology has, you could consider to join any of the social networking groups (e.g., Discord, LINE, Telegram). You may find the information at https://tc.computer.org/tclt/social-media/.
V. Important Dates
- February 19, 2021 in GMT (Friday): extended submission deadline for all papers (Full paper, Short paper, Discussion paper
- April 16, 2021 (Friday): Authors’ Notification on the review process results
- May 14, 2021 (Friday): Author’s registration deadline
- May 14, 2021 (Friday): Final Camera-Ready Manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form submission
- June 4, 2021 (Friday): Non-authors’ early bird registration deadline
- July 12-15, 2021: ICALT 2021 Conference
[1] Conference website. https://tc.computer.org/tclt/icalt2021/.