Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, Volume 17, Issue 4, December 2015

IEEE TCLT Bulletin, Volume 17, Issue 4, December 2015

ISSN 2306-0212
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Editorial, 1
Sabine Graf and Charalampos Karagiannidis, Co-Editors

Special Issue Articles: Issue on Serious Games and Gamification for Technology Enhanced Learning

An Exploration of the Role of Feedback on Optimizing Teachers’ Game Designs, 2-5
Sevasti Theodosiou and Ilias Karasavvidis

Using Gamification for Technology Enhanced Learning: The Case of Feedback Mechanisms, 6-9
Athanasios Mazarakis

Teaching industrial plant using serious games, 10-13
Mauro Medeiros Barbat, Nilo Cesa Dutra, Diana Francisca Adamatti and Adriano Velasque Werhli

Is this new? Family Resemblances in Gamification in Education, 14-17
Jan Broer

On Using Games to Enhance the Learning Experience in Egypt, 18-21
Shaimaa Lazem, Kamal Bassuony, Mostafa Gaber, Karim Youssef and Mohammed Morsy Farag

“Everybody is playing the game, but nobody’s rules are the same”: towards adaptation of gami-fication based on users’ characteristics, 22-25
Ana C. T. Klock, Isabela Gasparini, Marcelo S. Pimenta and José Palazzo M. de Oliveira

A Gamification Approach to Getting Students Engaged in Academic Study, 26-29
Qiang Wu, Yueming Zhu and Zongwei Luo

Regular Articles

Mobile Learning in a Seminar or Workshop: A Case Study for Evaluating MOBIlearn2 Basic Components and Their Application, 30-33
Abdurrahman Jalil, Martin Beer and Paul Crowther