CALL FOR PAPERS – The 10th International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2019)

The 10th International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2019) will be held during Dec 9-11, 2019 in Goa University, Goa, India. Through this conference, we are bringing together prominent speakers, researchers, practitioners and diverse stakeholders in education to discuss the novel and effective application of technology for improving teaching-learning practices. We invite papers from both academia and industry to present findings from their research and development efforts. T4E offers grants to student first authors.

The papers should be submitted via Easychair. All accepted papers will be indexed in IEEE Explore.

Important dates:
· Submission of full paper: July 18, 2019
· Acceptance notification: September 17, 2019
· Authors’ registration deadline: October 8, 2019
· Submission of revised camera-ready manuscript: October 17, 2019

Availability of student grants:
The IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technologies will offer grants of up to $300 for selected first author students to cover their registration, accommodation and travel expenses.

Availability of mentorship for student researchers:
Under ‘Saarthi’ programme, novice student researchers will be offered help and consultation by experts on writing and improving their research papers.

Further details are on the conference website: Please circulate this message to your colleagues and students. Thank you.

Best regards,

General Conference Chairs
Kinshuk, University of North Texas, USA
Sahana Murthy, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Program Chairs
Ramkumar Rajendran, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Maiga Chang, Athabasca University, Canada

Local Organizing Chairs
Venkatesh Kamat, Goa University
Vandana Naik, Goa University