Due to overwhelming requests ICALT 2021 receives, ICALT 2021 decides to extend its submission deadline to 23:59 on Friday, February 19, 2021 in GMT (https://time.is/GMT) after thoughtful consideration of all the process and IEEE’s given timeline and milestones.
You are welcome and encouraged to help distributing this news and update over your network to your colleagues, students, and friends who may be interested in submitting their works to ICALT 2021. Keep in mind that IEEE ICALT 2021 will be held online during July 12 to 15 in GMT time zone.
- Office website: https://tc.computer.org/tclt/icalt2021/
- (Extended) submission deadline: 23:59 on February 19, 2021 in GMT (https://time.is/GMT)
- Author guidelines: https://tc.computer.org/tclt/icalt-2021-author-guidelines/
- Submit your paper at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icalt2021
The high-quality accepted papers will be invited to submit the extended version of the paper to International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (https://igi-global.com/ijdet included in Web of Science’s ESCI, SCOPUS, EI and other indexes), Bulletin of Technical Committee on Learning Technology (https://tc.computer.org/tclt/bulletin/, open access and included in ESCI), and Special Issue of Sustainability (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/sustainability_edu, open access with article processing fee and included in SSCI).