ICALT 2022
Student Award
The winners of IEEE TCLT Student Award for attending IEEE ICALT 2022
This year, we received a lot of applications. Due to the limited resources TCLT has, we cannot award every single application. After review and assess all applications, we are pleased to announce the winners that have been awarded a reimbursement of a SINGLE author registration ONLY (i.e., 2nd paper’s fee cannot be reimbursed).
See https://tc.computer.org/tclt/ieee-tclt-student-award-attending-icalt-2022/ for winners.
Applying for IEEE TCLT Student Award to attend ICALT 2022 Online!
IEEE TCLT aims to achieving greater Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and embedding EDI into the culture of TCLT community; for instance, its Web of Science ESCI indexed, Open Access and no article processing charge Bulletin of TCLT (https://tc.computer.org/tclt/bulletin/) has Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) section and Report from Developing Countries section (see https://tc.computer.org/tclt/author-guidelines/).
Therefore, in addition to the less cost registration fee options for online participants, TCLT also has student awards this year for ICALT 2022 student author’s SINGLE registration fee reimbursement ONLY (i.e., 2nd paper’s fee cannot be reimbursed).
- Student authors of papers accepted in ICALT 2022 are eligible to apply.
- Preference will be given to student authors whose affiliations (NOT their nationality) belong to underpresented group countries of ICALT 2022 (i.e., countries that have equal or less than six authors submitting their paper to ICALT 2022, including co-authorship: Burkina Faso, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam).
- Preference will be given to first authors of full papers and DC (Doctoral Consortium) papers.
- Preference will be given to undergraduate students, doctoral, and master students.
- Preference will be given to online participation student authors.
- Preference will be given to IEEE student member who is also IEEE Computer Soceity member and IEEE TCLT member (join TCLT member is free, see https://tc.computer.org/tclt/join-and-participate/.
- Awarded students will be able to have reimbursement for their author registration fee — the award is after-event reimbursement so the student award winner author still needs to make their own registration and payment online by the author registration deadline.
- There are only limited student awards availabile.
- Students who have been awarded the grant MUST register and attend the conference — it the student doesn’t attend the conference and introduce themselves to TCLT chair, then they may no longer be eligible to receive the award.
- Applicants are requested to fill the form at https://limesurvey.gameresearch.ca/index.php/56996?lang=en to apply for the award.
- A proof of student affiliation to an academic institution (e.g.,
photo/scan of valid student cards or a letter from advisor/guide) will have to be uploaded on Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive and have an accessible sharing link for filling the form.
NOTE: Incomplete application, application not officially submitted, and application has no proof of student affiliation to an academic institution will NOT be considered.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 23:59 on Friday, April 22, 2022 in Pacific Time (https://time.is/compare/2359_22_April_2022_in_PT)
Results will be notified to the selected applicants via the e-mail address provided during the application submission process by Friday, April 29, 2022