ICALT 2022, Bucharest, Romania

Track 2. Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning (APTeL)


Track Program Chairs

Track description and topics of interest

Advanced learning technologies keep transforming what people learn, how they learn it, and how they access learning opportunities in formal and informal contexts. As the educational landscape evolves, learning gets more structured around flexible curricula that accommodate the needs of diverse student audiences, and educational organizations that offer services for accessing educational content and resources through a variety of platforms, devices, and learning contexts. Applying personalized learning by adapting the educational experience to learners’ preferences, needs, and background becomes critical in this framework. The challenge concerns providing an alternative to the “one-size-fits-all” approach in designing learning technologies and technology enhanced educational interventions, taking into consideration individual differences among learners and the various contexts within which learning will take place. Personalization strategies need to emerge considering the pedagogical perspective of personalized learning along with the complementary role of technology and the appropriate adjustment to the educational context. The aim is to maximize learner satisfaction, learning retention and efficiency of the learning process. Personalization can occur at individual and group/community levels, whereby intelligent and adaptive technologies are integrated to empower socially-grounded learning experiences.

APTeL explores different dimensions of adaptation and personalization, including learner modelling and adaptation mechanisms, as well as personalization strategies, design techniques, implementation approaches, and experimental validations. A main issue that is expected to be addressed in this forum is the impact of adaptive and personalized learning environments in real educational (formal or informal) contexts, focusing on how these environments can be integrated into the educational process to enhance and promote efficient personalized learning cycles. “What can we adapt to?”, “What can be adapted?”, “How can we collect and process relevant data?”, “What is the impact of adaptation?”, “How technology-enhanced adaptive environments may promote personalized learning in real contexts?”, “How are learners profiled and how do they perceive personalization?”, “How can we support educators develop personalized content and resources?”, “How can interaction data collection, analysis and/or visualization be adapted to identify learner needs or enhance personalized learning experiences?”, “How can learner communities benefit from personalization?” “How can we enhance engagement by gamifying the learning environment in ways that match learners’ profile or the context?” are some critical questions that need to be addressed.

Topics of interest cover various adaptivity and personalization issues in technology enhanced learning, in particular:

  • Personal learning environments (PLE)
  • Intelligent learner and group modeling
  • Adaptive learning methods and techniques
  • Adaptive collaborative learning
  • Personalized mobile learning applications
  • Adaptive educational games
  • Adaptivity and personalization in MOOCs
  • Cognitive, motivational and affective aspects for personalization
  • Personalization strategies
  • Measurement and evaluation in adaptive learning environments
  • Practice and experience sharing
  • Learning and teaching with adaptive and personalized learning environments
  • Personalized learning design
  • Personalized learning/teaching analytics
  • Personalized support for communities of learners
  • Context-aware models for personalized learning

Track Program Committee