Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, Volume 24, Issue 1, October 2024
ISSN 2306-0212
Expert Interview & Reflection
Building the Future of Education with Learning Analytics, Personalization and Collaboration: An Interview with Dr. Elvira Popescu, 1-6
Tamara Marie Barreto and Cathy Cheung
Ethical Considerations and Future Prospects of AI Integration in Education: Insights from the Philippines, 7-12
Fuzheng Zhao, Ayesha Khan, and Islam Ahmed
Report from Developing Countries
Computational Thinking Proficiency among Pre-Service Teachers at Universiti Putra Malaysia, 13-20
Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamed, Su Luan Wong, Mohd Zariat Abd Rani, Mas Nida Md Khambari, Nur Aira Abd Rahim, Fariza Khalid, Priscilla Moses, and Liang Jing Teh
Investigating the Difference in Malaysian Undergraduates’ Academic Achievement and Learning Interest across HyFlex Learning Modes, 21-28
Liang Jing Teh, Su Luan Wong, Mohd Zariat Abdul Rani, Mas Nida Md Khambari, Sai Hong Tang and Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamed
Emerging Learning Technology
Comparative Analysis of the Results of Teaching AI and Robotics for School Students, 29-34
Javlonbek Abdujalilov
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
Global Harwell: Embracing Our Global Educational Mission, 35-41
Chee-Kit Looi, Tak-Wai Chan, Maiga Chang and Siu-Cheung Kong