Every year TCLT offers the Early Career Researcher Award in Learning Technologies and the Student Award program.
The Student Award program is offered annually (subject to available funds) and aims to contribute partly to the travel expenses of a student to attend and present her/his research work in the TCLT’s flagship International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) and International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E). Starting from 2020, this award has two categories, one is the regular student travel award and the other one is Underrepresented Group Student travel award. The eligibility criteria, the selection process and the actual financial support compensation are announced every year to the students of accepted papers in ICALT and T4E.
The researchers that have received the Student Award since 2014 and Underrepresented Group Student Award since 2020 are:
IEEE TCLT Underrepresented Group Student Award Past Winners
Year | Name | Affiliation | Country | Title of the Research Paper Presented |
2023 | Hui SHI | Florida State University | United States | Stay or leave? Exploring student factors associated with dropout patterns in massive open online courses |
2023 | Jie CAO | Beijing Normal University | China | Automatic evaluation of Chinese short-answer questions based on Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes taxonomy |
2023 | Monnie PARIDA | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | India | Enhancing Braille Accessibility: An Android Application for Indian Braille Transliteration |
2023 | Wanning HUANG | The University of Auckland | New Zealand | How technology assists the feedback process in a learning environment: A review |
2022 | Yankai LI | Beijing Unihersity of Posts and Telecommunications | China | B-PEIS: A Secure Blockchain-based Physical Education Information System |
2022 | Zhiming LIU | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | China | An IoT-based Smart Campus Monitoring System |
2022 | Fang WEN | East China Normal University | China | Does the Perceived Organizational Support and AI Literacy Affect Teachers’ AI instructional Creative Performance? |
2022 | Bo YANG | University of Gothenburg | Sweden | Analysis and Visualization of While-Learning Social Help Seeking Aligned with Learning Content to Facilitate Data-informed Support in MOOCs |
2022 | Yueyuan ZHENG | University of Hong Kong | China | Predicting Reading Performance based on Eye Movement Analysis with Hidden Markov Models |
2022 | Pengwendé ZONGO | Université Norbert ZONGO | Burkina Faso | Toward An Intelligent Tutoring System for Tone Languages: learning of tone levels in Mooré |
2021 | Mbarek Dhahri | University of Tunis | Tunisia | Teachers’ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Assessment Tools: A Review |
2021 | Gayashan Rathnavibushana | University of Moratuwa | Sri Lanka | Towards a Maturity Model for Learning Analytics Adoption An Overview of its Levels and Areas |
2021 | Ana Raquel Carvalho | University of Aveiro | Portugal | ICT tools’ contributions in a technology-enhanced peer learning program involving EFL learners |
2021 | Indrayani Nishane | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Learning about learners: Understanding learner behaviours in software conceptual design TELE |
2021 | Melissa Mustika | National Central University | Taiwan | Mindmap-Supported Writing Model: The Effect of Mindmap as a Prewriting Activities on Elementary Students’ Writing Performances through Private Social Network Learning Sites |
2021 | Joao Pedro Uchoa | Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | Brazil | Fostering Autonomy through Augmentative and Alternative Communication |
2021 | Negar Shabihi | University of Western Ontario | Canada | Big Data Analytics in Education: A Data-Driven Literature Review |
2020 | Elyda Freitas | Federal University of Pernambuco | Brazil | Towards a Maturity Model for Learning Analytics Adoption An Overview of its Levels and Areas |
2020 | Priya Lotlikar | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Tangible Flowchart Blocks for Fostering Logical Thinking in Visually Impaired Learners |
2020 | Jing Nie | East China Normal University | China | Investigating the effect of immersive virtual reality and planning on simulation learning outcomes:A media and method experiment |
2020 | Xiaoling Peng | East China Normal University | China | Modeling STEM Learning Design Competence Through Discourse Analysis |
2020 | Crystiam Kelle Pereira e Silva | Federal university of the state of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | “A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing”: A method to minimize knowledge compartmentalization and oversimplification |
2020 | Archana Rane | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | GeoMaps: An interactive application to enhance map comprehension skills of students |
2020 | Merilin Säde | University of Tartu | Estonia | Using a Programming MOOC as an Admission Mechanism for CS |
2020 | Liliana Quyen Tang | Athabasca University | Canada | Analytics-oriented Preventive Care for Communicable Diseases |
IEEE TCLT Student Award Past Winners
Year | Name | Affiliation | Country | Title of the Research Paper Presented |
2023 | Herold PC | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Design of embodied conversational agent to elicit participants’ reasoning for their decisions taken inside a VR environment |
2023 | Sandeep YADAV | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Be a Buddy: A smartphone application to facilitate inclusive communication for DHH users |
2023 | Shijin LI | East China Normal University | China | Can STEM Teaching Improve Students’ Problem-Solving Ability: An Empirical Study in the Middle School |
2023 | Victor Manuel BATIZ BELTRAN | Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Culiacán | Mexico | A multiplatform application for automatic recognition of personality traits for Learning Environments |
2023 | Sonika PAL | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Investigating the role of closed captioning and live transcription on DHH students’ perception of inclusivity in a face-to-face classroom environment |
2023 | Vando Gusti Al HAKIM | National Central University | Taiwan | A Pet-Like Model for Educational Robots: Using Interdependence Theory to Enhance Learning and Sustain Long-Term Relationships |
2023 | Zhuofan PANG | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | China | A Digital Twins-based Smart Classroom Monitoring System |
2023 | Jeremy Tzi Dong NG | The University of Hong Kong | China | Automated Analysis of Text in Student-created Virtual Reality Content |
2023 | Xiaobo LIU | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | China | A Personalized Online Experiment Platform for Mobile Communication Course |
2023 | Sunita RASTE | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | “I Got to Know Many Things, and Also Realised How Much I Don’t Know Yet”: Students’ Involvement in a Sensemaking Task and It’s Effect on Self-efficacy |
2022 | Victor Manuel BATIZ BELTRAN | Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Culiacán | Mexico | A multiplatform application for automatic recognition of personality traits for Learning Environments |
2022 | Chunping LI | University of Tasmania | Australia | Cognitive Load Measurement in the Impact of VR Intervention in Learning |
2022 | Miriela Maria CARDENAS | Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) | Spain | Inmmersive Virtual Reality Environments: a proposal to enhance preservice teacher’s communicative competences |
2022 | Yunxin GENG | Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication | China | FEAIS: Facial Emotion Recognition Enabled Education Aids IoT System for Online Learning |
2022 | Abhishek KULKARNI | University of Florida | USA | Interest-based Learning through a Contextualizing Chatbot for Video-based Online Learning Platforms |
2022 | Antony PRAKASH | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Mechanism to Capture Learners’ Interactions in Virtual Reality Learning Environment |
2022 | Mustafa SAT | Middle East Technical University | Turkey | The design of educational wearable technologies with teachers: Issues, challenges, and suggestions |
2022 | Veronica SEGARRA FAGGIONI | École de technologie supérieure | Canada | Metadata Quality Assessment of OER using supervised Machine Learning Algorithms |
2022 | Rabi SHAW | National Institute of Technology Rourkela | India | Suggestions to the Instructors for Modifying the Learning Materials Based on the Students’ Attention and Feedback |
2022 | Siddharth SRIVASTAVA | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | India | The KP-Traversal Scheme |
2022 | Yuko TOYOKAWA | Kyoto University | Japan | Application of Learning Analytics Enhanced e-book reader for Inclusive Education at Special Needs Class |
2022 | Jiabin ZHAO | East China Normal University | China | How to support and evaluate self-regulation in a game-based learning environment: A review |
2021 | Christian Delgado-von Eitzen | Universidade de Vigo | Spain | Blockchain for the scalable issuance and verification of private academic information |
2021 | Ying Que | The University of Hong Kong | China | Investigate the Effects of Background Music on Visual Cognitive Tasks Using Multimodal Learning Analytics |
2021 | Yancy Vance Paredes | Arizona State University | USA | Can Students Learn from Grading Erroneous Computer Programs? |
2021 | Siddharth Srivastava | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | India | Micro-Prompt: A Strategy for Designing Pedagogically Effective Assignment Free Micro-Lectures for Online Education Systems |
2021 | Yiming Liu | The University of Hong Kong | China | The Mediation Effects of Task Strategies on the Relationship Between Engagement and Cognitive Load in a Smart Instant Feedback System |
2021 | Rajashri Priyadarshini | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Carbon Warrior: A game-based environment to understand Carbon Footprint and its effect on sustainable living |
2021 | Spruha Satavlekar | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Unravelling Learner Interaction Strategies in TELE for Software Design Diagramsg |
2021 | Chao Wang | The University of Hong Kong | China | Minority college students’ engagement in learning activities and its relationships with learning outcomes |
2021 | Oscar Karnalim | University of Newcastle | Australia | Relationship between Code Similarity and Course Semester in Programming Assessments |
2021 | Saxena Anika | The University Of Hong Kong | China | Challenges and Factors Influencing Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong during COVID-19: Teachers’ Perspective |
2021 | Xiaojie Niu | Beijing Normal University | China | The Impact of Productive Failure on Learning Performance and Cognitive Load: Using Hypervideo to Facilitate Online Interactions |
2021 | Wei-wei Xu | Central China Normal University | China | Exploring the multi-touch simulation of learning performance, mental models and potential behavior clusters in science concepts learning |
2021 | Cheng-Yu Chung | Arizona State University | USA | Exploring the Effect of Augmented Reality on Verbal Communication and Code-editing Patterns in a Collaborative Programming Task |
2021 | Jeremy Tzi-Dong Ng | The University of Hong Kong | China | Evaluation of a Lightweight Learning Analytics Tool in Moodle and edX: Preliminary Results |
2021 | Nayan Saxena | University of Torontor | Canada | IRT++: Improving Student Response Prediction With Gaussian Initialisation and Other Modifications |
2020 | Sajjad Ansari | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | India | Improving the readability of dyslexic learners with mobile game-based sight-word training |
2020 | Gabriel Badea | University of Craiova | România | Using Peer Assessment in conjunction with Project-Based Learning: A Comparative Study |
2020 | Marc Beardsley | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | The challenge of gathering self-reported moods: Cases using a classroom orchestration tool |
2020 | Rogério Ferreira da Silva | University of São Paulo | Brazil | Assessing Virtual Communities of Practice in Informal Learning Environments |
2020 | Jiayin Lin | University of Wollongong | Australia | Hybrid Translation and Language Model for Micro Learning Material Recommendation |
2020 | Ahmed Hosny Saleh Metwally | Northeast Normal University | China | Micro Design Approach for Gamifying Students’ Assignments |
2020 | Rafael Pinto | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte | Brazil | Assessing the Impact of Public Health Campaigns Through Epidemiological, Communication and Education Indicators |
2020 | Siddharth Srivastava | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | India | Improving Learning by Imitation in Online Courses using Memorization, Learning by Doing and Lecture Architecture for Naive Programmer |
2020 | Zhenxing Zhou | The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | A Sophisticated Platform for Learning Analytics with Wearable Devices |
2019 | Pankaj Chavan | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Developing a student feedback system using a design-based research approach |
2019 | Durga Prasad Karnam | Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR- Mumbai | India | Touchy Feely affordances of digital technology for embodied interactions can enhance ‘epistemic access’ |
2019 | Navneet Kaur | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Collaborative and Disciplinary Engagement Levels of Teams while Managing Design Uncertainties |
2019 | Hiroyuki Kuromiya | Kyoto University | Japan | Data-driven Validation of Pedagogical Model – A Case of Blended LCM Model |
2019 | Herold P C | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | RoadEthos: Game based learning to sensitize children on road safety through ethical reasoning |
2019 | Rumana Pathan | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Capturing Learner Interaction in Computer-based Learning Environment: Design and Application |
2019 | Ashutosh Raina | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Designing TinkMate: A Seamless Tinkering Companion for Engineering Design Kits |
2019 | Pratiti Sarkar | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Collaborative Approaches to Problem-Solving on Lines and Angles Using Augmented Reality |
2019 | Gayathri Manikutty | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | I Can Also Make Robots! Inspiring Girls in Rural India to Learn Robotics Through a Gender-Sensitive Curriculum |
2019 | Rutuja Ekatpure | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Musical Mimicry to learn Audio processing |
2019 | Mithun Haridas | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | Inter-rater Reliability of a Bilingual Malayalam-English Dyslexia Screening Test |
2019 | Sriya Samptur | PES University | India | Verification of C-program using Annotations |
2019 | Anusha Vimalaksha | PES University | India | Hierarchical Mind Map Generation from Video Lectures |
2019 | T.G. Lakshmi | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Heuristic evaluation and user experience redesign of ‘think & link’ learning environment – A case study |
2019 | Manjunatha Byrappa | University of Mysore | India | An appraisal of internet based education in Karnataka state |
2019 | Deepak Ranjan Padhi | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | A correlational study between the parent and the teacher’s self-reported assessments on the child’s performance |
2019 | Spruha Satavlekar | Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai | India | Development of MATLAB based LearnFFT Tool for Constructive and Graphical Understanding of FFT |
2019 | Arnav Nigam | PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur | India | ArDesign and Development of an Augmented Reality Tracing Application for Kindergarten students |
2019 | Italia Joseph Maria | Bharathiar University | India | Technologies, Challenges and Tools for Digital Learning |
2019 | Aline de Campos | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil | Learning Analytics and Cognitive Computing to support personalized learning experiences |
2019 | Kleber Tavares Fernandes | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | Brazil | A Strategy for the Development of Computational Thinking from Game Design Specifications |
2019 | Luiz Valério Neto | Universidade Federal de São Carlos | Brazil | Design and Implementation of an Educational Game Considering Issues for Visual Impaired People Inclusion |
2019 | Marcos Vinícius Borges | Universidade Estadual de Campinas | Brazil | Semantic-enhanced Recommendation of Video Lectures |
2019 | Evandro Preuss | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil | E-DUB-A: A Tangible Educational Resource Editor in Inclusive Classes |
2019 | Rubén Manrique | Universidad de los Andes | Colombia | Towards the identification of concept prerequisites via Knowledge Graphs |
2019 | Rafaella Nascimento | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | Brazil | Prediction of School Efficiency Rates through Ensemble Regression Application |
2019 | Akhila Sri Manasa Venigalla | Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati | India | StackDoc – A StackOverflow plugin for Novice Programmers that Integrates Q&A with API Examples |
2019 | Anderson Pinheiro Cavalcanti | Federal University of Pernambuco | Brazil | An analysis of the use of good feedback practices in online learning courses |
2019 | Sie Wai Chew | National Sun Yat-sen University | Taiwan | Using Socratic Questioning Strategy to Enhance Critical Thinking Skill of Elementary School Students |
2019 | Jia Zhang | National Taiwan Normal University | Taiwan | Applying Augmented Reality to Improve the Outcomes of Procedural Knowledge Acquisition |
2019 | Jiahui Ruan | East China Normal University | China | Design of an authentic learning environment for online STEM teacher training |
2018 | Pratiti Sarkar | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | GeoSolvAR: Augmented Reality based application for Mental rotation,ScholAR: a collaborative learning experience for rural schools using Augmented Reality application |
2018 | Anusha Vimalaksha | PES University | India | Automated Summarization of Lecture Videos |
2018 | Siddarth Vinay | PES University | India | Automated Summarization of Lecture Videos |
2018 | Abhijit Prekash | PES University | India | Automated Summarization of Lecture Videos |
2018 | Sandeep PR | Amrita School of Business | India | Effectiveness of Epistemic Games as a medium to incorporate Situational Judgement Tests |
2018 | Narasimha Swamy K L | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Investigating the Nature of Students’ Reasoning in Connecting Molecular Structure of Stereoisomers with their Physical Properties |
2018 | Navneet Kaur | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | GeoSolvAR: Augmented Reality based application for Mental rotation |
2018 | Savitha Murthy | PES University | India | Kannada Kali: A Smartphone Application for Evaluating Spoken Kannada Words and Detecting Mispronunciations using Self Organizing Maps |
2018 | Deepak Ranjan Padhi | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Understanding systems thinking from the perspectives of experience and diversity |
2018 | Qiao Chen | University of Hong Kong | China | Discovering Student Behavior Patterns from Event Logs: Preliminary Results on A Novel Probabilistic Latent Variable Model |
2018 | Vincent Bettenfeld | Le Mans Université | France | Lecture instrumentation based on synchronous speech transcription |
2018 | Yi-Chieh Wu | National Chengchi University | Taiwan | Evaluation of Student’s 3D Modeling Capability Based on Model Completeness and Usage Pattern in K-12 Classrooms |
2018 | Sie Wai Chew | National Sun Yat-sen University | Taiwan | The Effect of Learning English Idioms using Scaffolding Strategy through Situated Learning Supported by Augmented Reality |
2018 | Mithun Haridas | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | Spelling Errors by Normal and Poor Readers in a Bilingual Malayalam-English Dyslexia Screening Test |
2018 | Surekha Reddy Bandela | National Institute of Technology Warangal | India | Emotion Recognition of Stressed Speech using Teager Energy and Linear Prediction Features |
2018 | Abhishek Tripathi | National Institute of Technology Karnataka | India | A Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Network Based Dynamic User Modeling System |
2018 | Gregory Acacio Seibert Oliveira | FACCAMP | Brazil | A Method for Teaching Object-Oriented Programming with Digital Modeling |
2018 | Akshay Nagarajan | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | Design, Observe and Tinker: A Constructionist Approach to Introduce Maker Skills in Rural Schools |
2018 | Naim Terbeh | LaTICE Laboratory | Tunisia | Detection of Voice Pathologies and Evaluation of Pronunciation Based on Prosodic Features: Case of Arabic Discourse |
2017 | Alexander Amigud | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | Spain | A Method for Thematic and Structural Visualization of Academic Content [FULL PAPER], 1st Year PhD Student, Supervisors: Prof Thanasis Daradoumis, Dr. Joan Arnedo-Moreno |
2016 | Prajish Prasad | Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Mombai | India | Game based Learning of Blood Clotting Concepts [FULL PAPER], 1st Year PhD Student, Supervisor: Prof Sridhar Iyer |
2016 | Kavya Alse | Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Mombai | India | Assessing Students’ Conceptual Knowledge of Computer Networks in Open Wonderland [FULL PAPER] 1st Year PhD Student, Supervisor: Prof Sridhar Iyer |
2015 | Rogério Augusto Bordini | Universidade Federal de São Carlos | Brazil | Musikinésia – An Educational Adventure Game for Keyboard Learning [FULL PAPER], 2nd year MSc student, Supervisor: Prof. Marcia Rozenfeld Gomes de Oliveira |
2015 | Nour El Mawas | Université du Maine | France | Making explicit the Moodle instructional design language [FULL PAPER] |
2014 | Gokhan Akcapinar | Hacettepe University | Turkey | Investigating Students’ Interaction Profile in an Online Learning Environment with Clustering [SHORT PAPER], Final Year PhD Student, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Arif Altun, Prof. Dr. Petek Aşkar |
2014 | Norazlina Ahmad | Department of Mathematics, Science & Computer Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan Johor | Malaysia | Using Automatic Detection to Identify Students’ Learning Style in Online Learning Environment [FULL PAPER], PhD student, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zaidatun Binti Tasir |