Welcome to the Apriil edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.
TCMC membership is officially determined by signing up with the IEEE Computer Society either with your membership or later through:
TCMC home: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/tcmc
This month’s topics include:
IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Multimedia (ICSC-SMM’11) in conjunction with THE 5th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMANTIC COMPUTING
Stanford University Palo Alto, California, USA September 18-21, 2011
Semantic multimedia aggregates relevant disciplines, including knowledge representation, signal processing, artificial intelligence, data mining, and pattern recognition to a coherent picture in order to meet the growing interest in effective and efficient management of multimedia collections. There has been substantial progress in the last decades in content analysis, multimedia streaming, and human-centered computing from heterogeneous media sources. Due to the recent progress on semantic web, social tagging, scalable machine learning, and multi-model interaction, it is possible to build a new generation of multimedia applications that enables automatic semantic representation, analysis, and delivery of multimedia data. The aims of this workshop, with a focus on applications for semantic-rich large-scale multimedia information enhanced by semantic technologies, are to search for high quality research contributions on semantic multimedia and provide a forum for multidisciplinary research opportunities.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to practical areas that span a variety of aspects of semantic multimedia including
* Automatic creation of multimedia representations
* Semantic multimedia metadata ontology and management
* Annotation tools and methods for multimedia semantics
* Content and context based multimedia analysis
* Social media computing
* Web-scale multimedia mining and retrieval
* Semantic-based QoS control and scheduling
* Semantic-based Internet data streaming and delivery
* Multimedia-enriched semantic web
* Semantics enabled networking and middleware for multimedia applications
* Service infrastructure, technology, and tools for multimedia software systems
* Semantic multimedia demonstrations and applications
* Multimodal exploitation of multimedia semantics
Authors are invited to submit a paper up to 6 pages (in English) in double-column IEEE format following the submission guidelines available at the ICSC-2011 web page. Papers must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal. An electronic version (PDF format) of the full paper should be submitted by the paper submission deadline to EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=icsc2011). All submissions will be acknowledged. More information is available on the ICSC 2011 web page.
Each paper will be peer reviewed by at least two experts in the topical area. Papers accepted by the workshops will be published in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Outstanding papers will be selected for extension and publication in internationally renowned journals and will be indexed by both SCI and EI.
Regular & short paper submission: May 28th, 2011
Notification of acceptance: June 28th, 2011
Camera-ready & author registration: July 15th, 2011
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (Any general questions regarding the workshop should be directed to workshop co-chairs.)
Workshop Co-Chairs
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA (chens@cs.fiu.edu)
Mei-Ling Shyu, University of Miami, USA (shyu@miami.edu)
Chengcui Zhang, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA (zhang@cis.uab.edu)
Lin Lin, American National Standards Institute, USA (l.lin2@umiami.edu)
The Seventh IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval IEEE-MIPR 2011 in conjunction with IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2011 http://ism.eecs.uci.edu/).
California, USA | December 05-07, 2011
Call for Papers
Huge amounts of multimedia data are increasingly available and the knowledge of spatial and/or temporal phenomena becomes critical for many applications, which requires techniques for the processing, analysis, search, mining, and management of multimedia data. The Seventh IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE-MIPR 2011) will take place in California, USA on December 05-07, 2011, in conjunction with IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2011). The workshop will provide a forum for original research contributions and practical system design, implementation, and applications of multimedia information processing and retrieval. The target audiences will be university researchers, scientists, industry professionals, software engineers and graduate students who need to become acquainted with new theories and technologies in multimedia information processing and retrieval.
Selected submissions will be chosen to be submitted as full papers for a special issue for the International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM).
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* content-based retrieval (image, video, audio, etc.)
* multimodal data analysis
* relevance feedback
* multimedia databases
* image/video/audio databases
* multimedia data mining
* multimedia data modeling
* multimedia data indexing
* multimedia data storage
* new standards
* network support for multimedia data
* distributed multimedia systems
* applications
Instructions for authors:
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results on the above and related topics are solicited. All submitted papers will be refereed for quality, originality and relevance by the Program Committee. The acceptance/rejection of the papers will be based on the review results. All questions should be addressed to the PC chair.
An electronic version (PDF format) of the full paper should be submitted by the paper submission deadline to the workshop website (http://mipr11.cs.fiu.edu/). Papers must be prepared in such a way that ensures they will print anywhere. Thus, you should avoid using special fonts. Manuscripts must be in English and should not exceed 5,000 words (approximately 6 double-column pages). Submissions should include the title, author(s), author’s affiliation, e-mail address, tel/fax numbers, abstract, and postal address on the first page.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Deadline: July 20, 2011
Notification of Results: August 20, 2011
Camera Ready Copies: September 7, 2011
Program Co-Chairs:
Shu-Ching Chen Florida International University, USA
Mei-Ling Shyu University of Miami, USA