Welcome to the February edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.
TCMC membership is officially determined by signing up with the IEEE Computer Society either with your membership or later through:
TCMC home: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/tcmc
This month’s topics include:
1. Introduction to Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing
2. CFPs at Upcoming multimedia conferences and journals (ISM, ICME industrial program, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia Special Issue, Intl. Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM))
TCMC Introduction:
Through the technological advances in data acquisition, storage, computing, and analysis, huge amounts of multimedia data have become increasingly available and created new interesting technical possibilities in a variety of applications. This makes multimedia computing a very challenging and interesting field. Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC) was established to assist researchers and practitioners in this field in promoting multimedia computing research, technologies and applications. This technical committee will provide technical advice on the full range of multimedia research and development directions, challenges, opportunities, emerging topics, and priorities.
TCMC will interact strongly with other IEEE societies in releted areas, support existing and new multimedia conferences, and help to build up premier and flagship IEEE multimedia conferences.
TCMC will identify effective ways to provide useful information to members such as conferences, journal special issues, funding opportunities, job opportunities, research groups, new technologies, new tools, etc.
This committee will publicize TCMC activities and opportunities to attract more people to join TCMC, especially graduate students and young researchers. In particular, the TCMC will work with multimedia conference organizers to have young researcher forum (including Ph.D. students) so that they will have the opportunities to know their peer and also interact with the leaders in this field.
This committee will also identify and recruit energetic volunteers and recommend them to multimedia conferences as organizing committee members and/or program committee members.
It is a mission of TCMC to promote and build up the collaborations between academia and industries in multimedia computing. The Technical Committee may also explore information exchange and educational opportunities with interested organizations.
Questions, comments, and suggestions for the TCMC should be sent to the current TCMC chair:
Dr. Shu-Ching Chen
Florida International University
School of Computing and Information Sciences
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199, USA
Tel: 305-348-3480
Fax: 305-348-3549
Email: chens@cs.fiu.edu
Web: http://www.cs.fiu.edu/~chens
How to Join TCMC:
The recipient list of this TCMC electronic newsletter and other publications, is determined by the IEEE Computer Society’s list. To join this technical committee, or to update your information, especially your email address, visit the following web site and fill in the online form.
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2011)
Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa
Dana Point, California USA
December 5-7, 2011
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing
The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2011) is an international forum for researchers to exchange information regarding advances in the state of the art and practice of multimedia computing, as well as to identify the emerging research topics and define the future of multimedia computing. The technical program of ISM2011 will consist of invited talks, paper presentations, and panel discussions. Submissions are solicited for full papers, workshop papers, technical demos, and panels.
Submissions of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going work are invited. Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
* Multimedia systems, architecture, and applications
* Multimedia networking and QoS
* Peer-to-peer multimedia systems and streaming
* Pervasive and interactive multimedia systems including mobile systems, pervasive gaming, and digital TV
* Multimedia meta-modeling techniques and operating systems
* Architecture specification languages
* Software development using multimedia techniques
* Multimedia signal processing including audio, video, image processing, and coding
* Multimedia Information Visualization and Interactive Systems
* Virtual Reality * Multimedia file systems, databases, and retrieval
* Multimedia collaboration
* Multimedia in social network analysis
* Rich media enabled E-commerce
* Computational intelligence including neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms
* Intelligent agents for multimedia content creation, distribution, and analysis
* Internet telephony and hypermedia technologies and systems
* Multimedia security including digital watermark and encryption
* Mobile Multimedia Systems and Services
* Multimodal Interaction, including Human Factors
* Multimodal User Interfaces: Design, Engineering, Modality-Abstractions, etc.
* Multimedia tools including authoring, analyzing, editing, and browsing
There will be a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award for the best submitted paper and the best submitted student paper. The award winners will be announced at the conference banquet. SUBMISSIONS The written and spoken language of ISM2011 is English. For full papers, authors should submit an 8-page manuscript in double-column IEEE format including the authors’ names and affiliations, and a short abstract electronically, following the submission guidelines available on the ISM2011 web page. Only electronic submission will be accepted. All papers should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF). The Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and be available for online access via IEEEXplore. A number of the papers presented at the conference will be selected for possible publications in journals.
ISM2011 will include a few workshops dedicated to focused interest areas. Submissions of proposals on workshops of emerging areas are invited. Papers from Workshops will be presented at ISM2011, and included in the Proceedings.
Submissions of proposals on panels and demonstrations are also encouraged. Panel summary articles may also be included in the conference proceedings. The page limit is 6 for workshop papers and 2 for demonstration papers, both in IEEE double-column format. Please refer to the workshop and demonstration program links for additional requirements.
Prospective authors are also invited to submit papers to the Industry Program, which will be included in the proceedings. A main goal of this program is to present research work that exposes the academic and research communities to challenges and issues important for the industry. Please refer to the Industry Program link for submission details.
4/6/2011 Submission of workshop proposals
4/15/2011 Notification of workshop acceptances
7/6/2011 Submission of main conference/workshop papers
7/6/2011 Submission of panel proposals
7/20/2011 Submission of demo and industry papers
8/20/2011 Notification of panel acceptances
8/20/2011 Notification of acceptance of main conference/workshop papers
8/20/2011 Notification of acceptance of demo/industry papers
TBA Camera-Ready copy of all accepted papers
TBA Early registration
TBA Regular registration
Industrial Program
Call for Industrial/Application Short Papers
ICME 2011, July 11-15, Barcelona, Spain
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) has been the flagship multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies (Communications, Computer, Circuits and Systems; and Signal Processing) since 2000. The goal of the Industrial Program is to promote applied research and applications, as well as facilitate collaborations between industrial and academia members of the multimedia community.
Authors are invited to submit a short paper (two-column format, 3-4 pages) according to the guidelines available on the conference website at http://www.icme2011.org. Reviewing will be double blind. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* 3D Audio Processing, 3D Multimedia Streaming, 3D Video Processing
* Quality of Experience (QoE) Models, QoE Models for 3D Systems
* Display Technology for Multimedia
* Audio and Video Coding Standards, Audio/Image/Video Segmentation for Interactive Services
* High Efficiency Video Coding
* Enhanced Voice Services
* Error Concealment, Error Resilience
* Mobile Visual Search Algorithms and Implementations
* Augmented Reality Algorithms and Applications
* Low-Power Circuits for Multimedia
* Multimedia Networking, Multimedia Streaming, Multimedia Traffic Management
* Multimodal User Interfaces, Multiview Video Capturing and Rendering
* Compressed Domain Processing, Compression and Coding, Computer Graphics and Animation
* Media Conversion and Transcoding, Media Summaries and Storyboards
* Mobile Multimedia, Wireless Multimedia Communications
* Consumer Electronics and Entertainment, Digital Rights Management (DRM)
* Multimedia Database Management, Multimedia Middleware
* Algorithms and Algorithmic Transformations, Architectures and Design Techniques
* Authoring, Editing, and Collaboration Tools, Biometrics, CAD Tools and Synthesis for Multimedia Systems
* Event Detection, Feature Extraction and Representation, Object/Activity Recognition
* Indexing, Searching, Retrieving, Query, and Archiving Databases, Integration of Synthetic and Natural Audio/Video
* Hardware/Software Co-Design and Instruction-Level Architecture Issues
* Intelligent and Life-Like Agents * Education, Medicine and Health Care
* Multimedia Authentication and Forensics
* Network Security, Network Support for Multimedia
* Olfactory and Gustatory Media (digital scent and taste)
* Operating System Support for Multimedia
* Performance Benchmark and Analysis, Performance Metrics and Benchmarking
* Secure Multimedia Processing and Applications, Security and Privacy Analysis WWW, Internet, Social Media, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
ICME 2011 showcases high quality oral and poster presentations and demo sessions. Best industrial/application paper, poster and demo awards will be selected and recognized in the conference. Accepted papers have to be registered and presented; otherwise they will not be included in the IEEE Xplore Library.
Industrial/Application Short
Paper Due: February 20, 2011 Paper Acceptance Notification: April 10, 2011
Camera-ready Paper Due: April 20, 2011
Submission Submission must be in PDF format and submitted via the following link:
For additional information, please contact our Industrial Program Committee:
Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm, USA (kelmaleh@qualcomm.com)
Oscar Garcia, Ramon Llull University-La Salle, Spain (oscarg@salle.url.edu)
Tom Malzbender, HP Labs, USA (tom.malzbender@hp.com)
Lluis Vicent, Ramon Llull University-La Salle, Spain (vicent@salle.url.edu)
David Miralles, Ramon Llull University-La Salle, Spain (davidme@salle.url.edu)
Cha Zhang, Microsoft, USA (chazhang@microsoft.com)
Advisor: Anup Basu, University of Alberta, Canada (basu@ualberta.ca)
Call For Papers
The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM) would like to invite you to consider submitting a manuscript for inclusion in this scholarly journal. The following describes the mission, coverage, and guidelines for submission to IJMDEM.
The primary objective International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM) is to promote and advance multimedia research from different aspects in multimedia data engineering and management. It provides a forum for university researchers, scientists, industry professionals, software engineers and graduate students who need to be become acquainted with new theories, algorithms, and technologies in multimedia engineering, and to all those who wish to gain a detailed technical understanding of what multimedia engineering involves. Novel and fundamental theories, algorithms, technologies, and applications will be published to support this mission.
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:
* Content-based retrieval (image, video, audio, etc.)
* Image/video/audio databases
* Learning support for multimedia data
* Multimedia data engineering
* Multimedia data indexing
* Multimedia data mining
* Multimedia data modeling
* Multimedia data storage
* Multimedia databases
* Multimedia systems
* Multimodal data analysis
* Network support for multimedia data
* New standards
* Relevance feedback
* Security support for multimedia data
* Technologies and applications
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered. Interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at http://www.igi-global.com/development/author_info/guide.asp prior to submission. All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically.
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Shu-Ching Chen, PhD
International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management
Email: chens@cs.fiu.edu
Call for papers
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
Special Issue on Learning Semantics from Multimedia Web Resources
Rapid advances in technology for capturing, processing, distributing, storing, and presenting visual date has resulted in a proliferation of multimedia in the World Wide Web. This is reflected in the success of many social websites, such as Flickr, Youtube, and Facebook, which dramatically increased the volume of community-shared media, including images and videos. These websites allow users not only to create and share media but also to rate and annotate them. Thus significant amounts of meta-data associated with the media, such as user-provided tags, comments, geo-tags, capture time, and EXIF information, are available in the Web. What are needed are methods to organize and understand these data.
Although the multimedia research community has widely recognized the importance of learning effective models for organizing and understanding,it has failed to make rapid progress due to the insufficiency of labeled data, which typically comes from users in an interactive labor-intensive manual process. In order to reduce this manul effort, many semi-supervised learning or active learning approaches have been proposed. Nevertheless, there is still a need to manually annotate a large set of imges or videos to bootstramp and steer the training. The rich meta-data associated with the media in the Web offer a way out. If we can learn the models for semantic concepts effectively from user-shared media byusing their associated meta-data as training labels, or if we can infer the semantic concepts of the media directly from the data in the Internet, the manual effort in multimedia annotation can be reduced. Consequently, semantic-based multimedia retrieval can greatly benefit from community contributions.
There is, however, a problem in using the associated meta-data as training lables: they are often very noisy. Thus how to remove the noise in the training labels or how to handle the noise in the learning process are important research topics.
Besides modeling media (e.g. images and videos), the Web is an incredible resource for modeling users, through the aggregation of users’ traces on social media sites (e.g. the images they upload, the tags they use, teh prople whose content they comment on). So in addition to modeling media only, modeling people’s behaviors or events is also important.
Recently, more and more research effort has been dedicated to the aforementioned challenges and opportunities. Particularly within the last year, many papers on this topic have been published in ACM MM, SIGIR, WWW and CVPR. Therefore, we propose a special issue named Learning Semantics from Multimedia Web Resources. The goals of this special issue will be threefold: (1) introduce novel research in learning from resources in the Internet; (2) survey on the progress of this area in the past years; (3) discuss new applications based on the newly learned models.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Novel learning methods that learn multimedia semantics from the web media using the metatext as training labels.
* Regularization strategies to handle the noise in the meta-text for the learning process.
* Inferring semantics of multimedia data directly from the media in the Web.
* Web media-based knowledge mining, such as building a lexicon/ontology from tags, extracting the relations among the semantic concepts, and learning the similarity metrics.
* Web media analysis and organization, including grouping, classification, indexing, and navigation.
* Web media tagging, including new tagging interfaces, tag recommendation, tag classification, tag correction, and automatic tagging.
* Training set construction from the multimedia resources in the web.
* Multimedia benchmark dataset creation from the web media, such as semi-automatic label correction with active learning.
* Social media user and community modeling to improve semantic relevance of tags.
Important Dates:
Paper submission due: 16/June/2011
First round acceptance notification: 18/Sep/2011
Revision Due: 16/Oct/2011
Second round review completed: 1/Dec/2011
Final manuscript due: 26/Jan/2012
Due to Production date: March 2012
Publication date: June 2012
Submission Procedure:
Submissions should follow the guidelines set out by IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/tmm/author_info.html). Prospective authors should submit high quality, original manuscripts that have not appeared, nor are under consideration, in any other journals. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the online IEEE manuscript submission system at (http://tmmieee.manuscriptcentral.com/).
All papers will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. Invited papers will be solicited first through white papers to ensure the quality and relevance to the special issue. The accepted invited papers will be reviewed by the guest editors and expect to account for about one fourth of the papers in the special issue.
Guest Editors:
Qi Tian, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA email: qitian@cs.utsa.edu
Jinhui Tang, National University of Singapore, Singapore email: tangjh@comp.nus.edu.sg
Marcel Worring, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands email: m.worring@uva.nl
Daniel Gatica-Perez, Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland email: gatica@idiap.ch
Please address all correspondences regarding this special issue to the Guest Editors.