Welcome to July’s edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.
This month’s topics include:
IEEE ISM paper due on Aug. 1st Introducing the first TCMC Industry Liaison MTAP Special Issue
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The 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia main conference paper submission deadline (Aug. 1st) is fast approaching! Please check http://ism.eecs.uci.edu/ISM2013/importantdates.html for more details.
Dr. Edwin Heredia has become the first industry liaison of TCMC!
Edwin Heredia, Ph.D.
Sr. R&D Engineer
Advanced Technology Lab
Samsung Information Systems America, Inc.
(Samsung Electronics US R&D Center)
3000 Orchard Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134
Email: e.heredia@sisa.samsung.com
Tel: +1-408-544-2795
Web: http://www.sisa.samsung.com/
MTAP Special Issue on Content Based Multimedia Indexing
A special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications will be devoted to Content Based Multimedia Indexing. All papers submitted should contain sufficient innovative material with respect to previously published work.
Multimedia indexing systems aim at providing easy, fast and accurate access to large multimedia repositories. Research in Content-Based Multimedia Indexing covers a wide spectrum of topics in content analysis, content description, content adaptation and content retrieval. Various tools and techniques from different fields such as Data Indexing, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, and Human Computer Interaction have contributed to the success of multimedia systems.
Although, there has been a significant progress in the field, we still face situations when the system shows limits in accuracy, generality and scalability. Hence, the goal of this special issue is to bring forward the recent advancements in content-based multimedia indexing. Submitted papers should contain significant original new information and ideas. Topics of interest for the Special Issue include, but are not limited to:
· Audio content extraction
· Audio indexing (audio, speech, music)
· Content-based search
· Identification and tracking of semantic regions
· Identification of semantic events
· Large scale multimedia database management
· Matching and similarity search
· Metadata generation, coding and transformation, multi-modal fusion
· Multimedia data mining
· Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools
· Multimedia recommendation
· Multimedia retrieval (image, audio, video, …)
· Multi-modal and cross-modal indexing
· Personalization and content adaptation
· Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content
· User interaction and relevance feedback
· Visual content extraction
· Visual indexing (image, video, graphics)
Submission details
All the papers should be full journal length versions and follow the guidelines set out by Multimedia Tools and Applications:
Manuscripts should be submitted online at https://www.editorialmanager.com/mtap/ choosing “Content Based Multimedia Indexing” as article type, no later than September 1st, 2013. When uploading your paper, please ensure that your manuscript is marked as being for this special issue. Information about the manuscript (title, full list of authors, corresponding author’s contact, abstract, and keywords) should also be sent to the corresponding editor Klaus Schoeffmann ( ks@itec.uni-klu.ac.at). All the papers will be peer-reviewed following the MTAP reviewing procedures.
Important Dates
Manuscript due: September 1st, 2013
Notification of acceptance: October 22nd, 2013
Publication date: First quarter 2014