Welcome to the July edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.
This month’s topics include:
IEEE MultiMedia CFP
IEEE ISM’14 CFP (deadline extended to Aug. 8th)
VideoNext workshop CFP
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address, visit the following web site and fill in the online form.
Computer Society and IEEE members will use their usual IEEE
web account login to access membership products and renew.
Nonmembers can create an IEEE web account to join any TC.
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Call For Papers
IEEE MultiMedia Magazine
IEEE MultiMedia magazine was founded in 1994, and is the first IEEE
publication in the multimedia area. IEEE MultiMedia serves the community
of scholars, developers, practitioners and students who are interested in
multiple media types, used harmoniously together, for creating new
experiences. As such, it fills a lacuna that exists between several
fields such as image processing, video processing, audio analysis,
text retrieval and understanding, data mining and analysis and data fusion.
The information consists of articles, product reviews, new product
descriptions, book reviews and announcements of conferences and
workshops. Articles discuss research as well as advanced practice
in multimedia hardware, software, systems and their applications,
and span the range from theory to working systems.
We encourage our authors to write in a conversational style, presenting
even technical material clearly and simply. You can use figures, tables,
and sidebars to explain specific points, summarize results, define
acronyms, guide readers to other sources, or highlight items. Assume
an educated general audience, and you will successfully communicate
your ideas to generalists and specialists alike.
IEEE MultiMedia serves both users and designers of multimedia hardware,
software, and systems. Its readers work in industry, business, the arts,
and universities. Some are generalists and some specialists in specific
areas of multimedia.
We invite articles on multimedia systems and their applications, as well
as those that present theories and/or relate practices. High quality
technical papers that propose new concepts and are forward-looking are
encouraged. We particularly welcome tutorials, surveys, overview papers,
and special topics, such as:
· Big and broad multimedia
· Emotional and social signals in multimedia
· Interactive multimedia
· Media transport and delivery
· Multimedia and society
· Multimedia and the crowd
· Multimedia art, entertainment and culture
· Mobile multimedia
· Multimedia cloud computing
· Multimedia HCI and QoE
· Multimedia search and recommendation
· Multimedia security, privacy and forensics
· Multimedia systems and middleware
· Multimodal and cross-modal analysis and description
· Music, speech and audio processing in multimedia
· Pervasive multimedia
· Social media and collective online presence
For information about manuscript preparation and submission, please visit
(Due to many requests, the paper submission deadline has
been extended to August 8, 2014. We apologize if you
receive multiple copies of this CFP.)
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014)
Taichung, Taiwan
December 10-12, 2014
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014) is an
international forum for researchers to exchange information
regarding advances in the state of the art and practice of
multimedia computing, as well as to identify the emerging
research topics and define the future of multimedia computing.
The technical program of ISM2014 will consist of invited talks,
paper presentations, and panel discussions. Submissions are
solicited for full papers, short papers, workshop papers,
technical demos, and panels.
Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
Multimedia Systems and Architectures
Mobile multimedia systems and services
Pervasive and interactive multimedia systems including mobile
systems, pervasive gaming, and digital TV
Multimedia in the Cloud
GPU-based architectures and systems
Software development using multimedia techniques
Multimedia Communications and Streaming
Multimedia networking and QoS
Mobile audio/video streaming
Wireless broadcasting and streaming
Scalable streaming
Peer-to-peer multimedia systems and streaming
Multimedia sensor networks
Internet telephony technologies and systems
Video teleconferencing
Multimedia Interfaces
Multimedia information visualization and interactive systems
Multimodal user interfaces: design, engineering,
modality-abstractions, etc.
Multimedia tools for authoring, analyzing, editing, browsing,
and navigation
Intelligent agents for multimedia content creation,
distribution, and analysis
Novel interfaces for multimedia: touch, tangible, wearable,
virtual, 3D, etc.
Multimedia user interfaces for mobile devices
Multimedia Coding, Processing, and Quality Measurement
Multimedia signal processing including audio, video, image
processing, and coding
Multimedia Coding Standards
Scalable and Multi-view coding
Multi-resolution or super-resolution algorithms
Maintenance of perceptual quality with further compression
Developing novel quality measures
Multimedia Security
Multimedia security including digital watermark and encryption
Copyright issues for multimedia data
Multimedia for surveillance and monitoring
Face detection and recognition algorithms
Human behavior analysis
Multimedia forensics
Trust and privacy issues in multimedia systems
Multimedia Content Understanding, Modeling, Management, and Retrieval
Multimedia meta-modeling techniques
Multimedia storage systems, databases, and retrieval
Multimedia data segmentation
Image, audio, video, genre clustering & classification
Video summarization and story generation
Speaker identification, recognition, and location
Object, event, emotion, text detection and recognition
Mosaic, video panorama and background generation
Multimedia semantics, ontologies, annotation, concept detection
and learning
Personalization and user preferences
3D and depth information
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia big data
3D multimedia: graphics, displays, sound, broadcasting,
Multimedia composition and production: capture, authoring,
digital art, animations, etc.
Multimedia gaming
Virtual and augmented reality
Multimedia interfaces for the Web
Multimedia in social network analysis
Rich media enabled E-commerce and E-shopping
Multimedia systems for handicapped
Multimedia Applications: Bioinformatics, Robotics, Transportation
systems, Mobile systems, Wild-life monitoring and analysis,
Collaborative systems, etc.
Authors are invited to submit Regular Papers (8-page technical
paper), Short Papers (4-page technical paper), Demonstration
Papers and Posters (2 page technical paper), PhD Workshop
Papers (2 pages), and Workshop Proposals as well as Industry
Track Papers (4-page technical paper) which will be included
in the proceedings. Submissions of high quality papers
describing mature results or on-going work are invited.
A main goal of this program is to present research work that
exposes the academic and research communities to challenges
and issues important for the industry. More information is
available on the ISM2014 web page. The Conference Proceedings
will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference
will be selected for publication in internationally renowned
There will be a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award
competition. Award winners will be announced at the conference
April 18, 2014 Workshop Proposal Submission
May 2, 2014 Workshop Notification
June 18, 2014 Panel Proposal Submission
August 22, 2014 Panel Notification
August 8, 2014 Regular/Short/Poster Paper Submission
August 8, 2014 Demo and Industry Paper Submission
September 10, 2014 Paper Notification
September 26, 2014 Camera-Ready Paper Submission
VideoNext: Design, Quality and Deployment of Adaptive Video Streaming
The workshop co-located with CoNEXT 2014
December 2, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Submission deadline changed: August 29, 2014 (no further extensions)
Call for Papers
As we continue to develop our ability to generate, process, and display
video at increasingly higher quality, we confront the challenge of
streaming the same video to the end user. Device heterogeneity in terms of
size and processing capabilities combined with the lack of timing
guarantees of packet switching networks is forcing the industry to
adopt streaming solutions capable of dynamically adapting the video
quality in response to resource variability in the end-to-end transport
chain. For example, many vendors and providers are already trialing their
own proprietary adaptive video streaming platforms while MPEG has
recently ratified a standard, called Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over
HTTP (DASH), to facilitate widespread deployment of such technology.
However, how to best adapt the video to ensure highest user quality of
experience while consuming the minimum network resources poses many
fundamental challenges, which is attracting the attention of researchers
from both academia and industry. The goal of this workshop is to bring
together researchers and developers working on all aspects of adaptive
video streaming with special emphasis on innovative concepts backed
up by experimental evidence.
Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
New metrics for measuring user quality of experience (QoE) for
adaptive video streaming
Solutions for improving streaming QoE for high-speed user mobility
Analysis, modelling, and experimentation of DASH
Exploitation of user contexts for improving efficiency of
adaptive streaming
Big data analytics to assess viewer experience of adaptive video
Efficient and fair bandwidth sharing techniques for bottleneck
links supporting multiple adaptive video streams
Network functions to assist and improve adaptive video streaming
Synchronization issues in adaptive video streaming
(inter-media, inter-device/destination)
Methods for effective simulation or emulation of large scale
adaptive video streaming platforms
Cloud-assisted adaptive video streaming including encoding,
transcoding, and adaptation in general
Attack scenarios and solutions for adaptive video streaming
Energy-efficient adaptive streaming for resource-constraint
mobile devices
Reproducible research in adaptive video streaming: datasets,
evaluation methods, benchmarking, standardization efforts, open
source tools
Novel use cases and applications in the area of adaptive video streaming
The workshop is considered an integral part of the CoNEXT 2014
conference. All workshop papers will be published in the same set
of proceedings as the main conference, and available on the ACM
Digital Library. Publication at this workshop is not intended to
preclude later publication of an extended version of the paper.
At least one author of each accepted papers is expected to
present his/her paper at the workshop.
Instructions for Authors
A submission must be no greater than 6 pages in length including
all figures, tables, references, appendices, etc., and must be
a PDF file of less than 10MB. The review process is single-blind.
Follow the same formatting guidelines as the CoNEXT conference,
except VideoNext has a 6 page limit and a 10MB file size limit.
See the “Formatting Guidelines” section. Submissions that
deviate from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration.
Important dates
Paper Submission: August 2229, 2014 20:59 PDT
Notification of Acceptance: September 30, 2014
Camera-ready Papers Due: October 24, 2014
Workshop: December 2, 2014
TPC co-chairs
Mahbub Hassan, University of New South Wales, Australia
Ali C. Begen, Cisco Canada
Christian Timmerer, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Technical Program Committee
Alexander Raake, Deutsche Telecom Labs, Germany
Carsten Griwodz, University of Oslo/Simula, Sweden
Chao Chen, Qualcom, USA
Colin Perkins, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Constantine Dovrolis, Georgia Tech, USA
Grenville Armitage, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Imed Bouazizi, Samsung
Kuan-Ta Chen, Academia Sinica
Magda El Zarki, University of California Irvine, USA
Manzur Murshed, Federation University Australia, Australia
Pal Halvorsen, University of Oslo/Simula
Polychronis Koutsakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Roger Zimmerman, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Saverio Mascolo, University of Bari, Italy
Shervin Shirmohammadi ,University of Ottawa, Canada
Victor Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada