Welcome to the May’15 edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia
Computing) monthly mailing.
This month’s topics include:
IEEE ISM’15 CFP (TCMC’s flagship conference)
IJMDEM CFP (indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science)
IEEE T-CSVT SI on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Mobile Computing
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access membership products and renew. Nonmembers can create an IEEE web account to
join any TC.
TCMC home: http://www.computer.org/web/tcmc
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2015)
Miami Beach Resort & Spa
Miami, Florida USA
December 14-16, 2015
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
Research in multimedia computing is generally concerned with presentation,
integration and computation of one or more media, such as text, image,
graphics, audio, video, social data, and data collected from various sensors,
etc., using computing techniques. The IEEE International Symposium on
Multimedia (ISM2015) is an international forum for researchers to exchange
information regarding advances in the state of the art and practice of
multimedia computing, as well as to identify the emerging research topics
and define the future of multimedia computing.
The technical program of ISM2015 will consist of invited talks (with 25+
high-profile Speakers: http://www.ieeeism.com/#!ism-speakers/ccoq),
paper presentations, and panel discussions. Submissions are solicited
for full papers and workshop papers.
Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
Systems and Architectures
Mobile systems and services
Pervasive and interactive media systems including mobile systems,
pervasive gaming, and digital TV
Data in the Cloud
GPU-based architectures and systems
Software development using multimedia techniques
Communications and Streaming
Networking and QoS
Mobile audio/video streaming
Wireless broadcasting and streaming
Scalable streaming
Peer-to-peer media systems and streaming
Sensor networks
Internet telephony technologies and systems
Video teleconferencing
Media Interfaces
Information visualization and interactive systems
Multimodal user interfaces: design, engineering, modality-abstractions, etc.
Tools for media authoring, analyzing, editing, browsing, and navigation
Intelligent agents for content creation, distribution, and analysis
Novel interfaces for multimedia: touch, tangible, wearable, virtual, 3D, etc.
User interfaces for mobile devices
Media Representation, Processing, and Quality Measurement
Signal processing including audio, video, image processing, and coding
Coding standards
Scalable and Multi-view coding
Multi-resolution or super-resolution algorithms
Maintenance of perceptual quality with further compression
Developing novel quality measures
Data security including digital watermark and encryption
Copyright issues for media data
Surveillance and monitoring methods
Face detection and recognition algorithms
Human behavior analysis
Media forensics
Trust and privacy issues in media systems
Content Understanding, Modeling, Management, and Retrieval
Media meta-modeling techniques
Storage systems, databases, and retrieval
Data segmentation
Image, audio, video, genre clustering & classification
Video summarization and story generation
Speaker identification, recognition, and location
Object, event, emotion, text detection and recognition
Mosaic, video panorama and background generation
Media semantics, ontologies, annotation, concept detection and learning
Personalization and user preferences
3D and depth information
Mobile media
Mobile and location-based media techniques
Mobile visual search
Social networks for mobile users
Augmented reality for mobile users
Content delivery in mobile networks (e.g., 3G, 4G and future 5G)
Mobile applications
Big data
3D data: graphics, displays, sound, broadcasting, interfaces
Media composition and production: capture, authoring, digital art, animations, etc.
Virtual and augmented reality
Media interfaces for the Web
Media in social network analysis
Rich media enabled E-commerce and E-shopping
Media systems for handicapped
Collaborative systems
Interdisciplinary media applications: Bioinformatics, Transportation systems,
Wild-life monitoring and analysis, etc.
Authors are invited to submit Research Papers (6-page technical paper) and
Workshop Proposals which will be included in the proceedings. Submissions
of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going work are
invited. More information is available on the ISM2015 web page. The
Conference Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference will be selected
for publication in internationally renowned journals.
There will be a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award competition.
Award winners will be announced at the conference banquet.
April 17, 2015 Workshop Proposal Submission
May 1, 2015 Workshop Notification
July 17, 2015 Paper Submission
September 4, 2015 Paper Notification
September 25, 2015 Camera-Ready Paper Submission
Conference general co-chairs
Alberto Del BImbo, University degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
Haohong Wang, TCL Research America, USA
Heather Yu, Huawei R&D, USA
Roger Zimmermann, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Program co-Chairs
Min Chen, University of Washington Bothell, USA
Leonel Sousa, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Yonghong Tian, Peking University, China
The International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management
(IJMDEM) (http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-multimedia-data-engineering/1118)
was recently indexed by Thomson Reuters’ acclaimed research platform,
Web of Science!
The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Multimedia Data
Engineering and Management (IJMDEM) would like to invite you to consider
submitting a manuscript for inclusion in this scholarly journal. The
following describes the mission, coverage, and guidelines for submission
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:
Content-based retrieval (image, video, audio, etc.)
Image/video/audio databases
Learning support for multimedia data
Multimedia data engineering
Multimedia data indexing
Multimedia data mining
Multimedia data modeling
Multimedia data storage
Multimedia databases
Multimedia systems
Multimodal data analysis
Network support for multimedia data
New standards
Relevance feedback
Security support for multimedia data
Technologies and applications
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished
http://www.igi-global.com/journals/guidelines-for-submission.aspx PRIOR TO SUBMISSION.
All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial
Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding
acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the
reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically.
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
All inquiries regarding IJMDEM should be directed to the attention of:
Shu-Ching Chen, PhD
International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management
E-mail: chens@cs.fiu.edu
All manuscript submissions to IJMDEM should be sent through the online submission system:
Special Issue on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Mobile Computing
Part of Visual Computing in the Cloud Special Issue Series
Recent advances in smartphones and wireless technologies are fuelling a
new wave of user demands for rich mobile experiences. Mobile users not
only expect a broadband connection wherever they go and interact with
each other via social networks on the go, but also demand ubiquitous
access to a wealth of video contents and services. However, this trend
is seriously hindered by the fact that onboard resources with mobile
devices are inherently limited and its growth rate falls behind that
of their desktop counterparts. Fortunately, the emerging cloud
computing paradigm offers a natural solution to extend the desktop
visual experience to mobile devices. In fact, it is essential for
the seemingly unlimited cloud to provide computational and storage
support for many media-rich applications with both front-end and
back-end functionalities. At the same time, the synergy between
image/video and cloud computing requires novel solutions to address
many technical challenges arising in this exciting space. For example,
the fundamental tension between resource-hungry video applications and
power-limited mobile devices has yet to be resolved, and is complicated
by operating mobile devices as access points. Effort for providing a
universal rich video experience across many screens is typically limited
by the heterogeneity amongst ever-evolving mobile devices, as manifested
in their different physical form factors, middleware platforms, and
interactive features, and rapidly-changing networking technologies
(e.g., WiFi, WiMesh, 3G/4G/5G, LTE, SDN, NDN). This challenge is further
aggravated by business concerns from different service providers
(e.g.,Telcos, MSOs and ISPs), as well as security concerns from users and
content providers. In the back-end, video processing, distribution,
adaptation and analytics need to be revisited under this new paradigm,
to best serve the mobile clients with good QoS/QoE at a low cost. These
daunting technological challenges are better tackled by an interdisciplinary
approach and draw insights from both academic research and industrial development.
In this issue, we invite novel, innovative original research and extensive
review articles that study the state-of-the-art interactions among advanced
mobile video technologies, cloud computing, mobility and social network.
Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Enhanced QoE/QoS for mobile video with cloud support
• Mobile video content delivery in the cloud
• Video search on mobile devices with cloud support
• Distributed caching for mobile cloud video
• Mobile video processing in the cloud
• Media cloud resource management for video applications
• Metadata management for mobile video applications
• Mobile video analytics in the cloud
• Context-aware mobile video over the cloud (e.g., location, user, etc)
• Video adaptation for mobile cloud
• Location-based mobile video services
• User-centric video adaptation in the cloud
• Interactive video rendering for mobile devices
• Service-oriented video management
• Cloud-based mobile video system and applications
• Security and privacy for mobile cloud video
• Mobile video networking in the cloud
• Mobility management for cloud video
• Mobile cloud video over future Internet (e.g., SDN, NDN)
• Synthesis between mobile video and social networking with cloud support
• Cost optimization (e.g., energy, monetary cost, etc) in mobile cloud video
• Video/image editing/authoring on mobile devices with cloud support
Important Dates
Initial Paper Submission: July 15, 2015
Initial Paper Decision: September 15, 2015
Revised Paper Submission: October 15, 2015
Revised Paper Decision: December 15, 2015
Final Paper Submission: January 15, 2016
Final Paper Decision: March 1, 2016
Publication Date: June 2016
Manuscript submissions and reviewing process
Submission of a paper to CSVT is permitted only if the paper has not
been submitted, accepted, published, or copyrighted in another journal.
Papers that have been published in conference and workshop
proceedings may be submitted for consideration to CSVT provided that
(i) the authors cite their earlier work; (ii) the papers are not identical;
and (iii) the journal publication includes novel elements (e.g., more
comprehensive experiments). For submission information, please consult
the IEEE CSVT Information for
Authors: http://tcsvt.polito.it/authors.html.
Guest Editors
Yonggang Wen Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Pascal Frossard EPFL, Switzerland
Qibin Sun Cisco Systems Inc., USA (IEEE Fellow)
Wenjun Zeng University of Missouri, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Jacob Chakareski University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Di Wu Sun Yat-Sen University, China