October 2014 Newsletter

Welcome to the October’14 edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.

This month’s topics include:


Elsevier Image and Vision Computing (IVC) SI CFP

November Bay Area Multimedia Forum

IEEE Conf. on Semantic Computing submission DL approaching


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CFP: Elsevier Image and Vision Computing (IVC) Special Issue on

Event-based Media Processing and Analysis



Elsevier Image and Vision Computing

SI on Event-based Media Processing and Analysis


Paper Submission Deadline: January 15, 2015




People collect dozens of photos and video clips with their smartphones,

tablets, cameras, and such information is exchanged in a number of

different ways. The growing number of sensors for capturing environmental

conditions in the moment of content creation enriches data with

context-awareness that allows capturing experiences and events of

interest from a very rich personal perspective. This unveils an enormous

potential for event-centred data analysis. The key idea is to use events

as primary means for understanding, organizing and index content

(e.g., photos, videos, news). Events have the ability to semantically

encode relationships of different informational modalities. These

modalities can include, but are not limited to: time, space, involved

agents and objects, with the spatio-temporal component of events being

a key feature for contextual analysis.


A variety of techniques have recently been presented to leverage

contextual information for event-based analysis. Content-based only

approaches have exhibited several limitations in the field of event

analysis, especially for the event detection task. However, vision-based

media analysis is important for object detection and recognition and

can therefore play a significant role, which is complementary to that

of event-driven context recognition.


The aim of this special issue is soliciting novel contributions in

various aspects of event-based processing and analysis, with an emphasis

on vision-based approaches taking also into account additional

event-related contextual information. The convergence of aforementioned

event analysis components, wrapped by appropriate state of the art

human-computer interaction (HCI) technology can result to innovative

applications useful in various sectors.


Both theoretical contributions and interesting applications validated

on large-scale datasets are welcome. For the proposed methodologies,

the authors are encouraged to provide quantitative comparison and

performance evaluation.





The topics of this special issue include, but are not limited to:



– Low-level activity and event detection from multimedia content;

– Semantic event representations;

– Event modelling and representation;

– Event processing and aggregation;

– Understanding scene and objects’ role in events;

– Understanding human interaction in events;

– Semantic content and context analysis for the detection and

recognition of events within multimedia streams;

– HCI techniques for event detection, recognition and exploitation;

– Multiple views and multiple user event analysis;

– RGBD-based event analysis;

– Synchronization of event media;

– Large-scale visual analysis for social media event detection.



– Interactive event-based applications and tools;

– (Collaborative) authoring of events;

– Events in mobile computing and ubiquitous computing;

– Applications that show benefits of using events in practical settings;

– User experience, requirements, use cases, and evaluations of event-based applications.



Reviewing process



Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, presentation,

relevance and contribution to the field, as well as their suitability

to this special issue, and for their overall quality. The submitted

papers must be written in excellent English and describe original

research which has not been published nor currently under review by

other journals or conferences. Previously published conference papers

should be clearly identified by the authors (at the submission stage)

and an explanation should be provided how such papers have been extended

to be considered for this special issue. Papers that either lack

originality, clarity in presentation or fall outside the scope of the

special issue will not be sent for review and the authors will be promptly

informed in such cases. To encourage reproducible research, preference

will be given to submissions accompanied by software that generates the

results claimed in the manuscript.



**Important dates



Paper Submission: January 15, 2015

First Round Decisions: April 15, 2015

Revisions Deadline: June 30, 2015

Final Round Decisions: September 30, 2015

Online Publication: November 2015




**Submission Guideline



All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted

through Elsevier Editorial System (EES). The authors must select

“SI: Event-based Media Proc” when specifying the “Article Type”

in the submission process. The EES website is located at:



The guide for Authors can be found on the journal homepage





Guest editors



Bogdan Ionescu, University Politehnica of Bucharest,

Romania (bionescu@alpha.imag.pub.ro)


Giulia Boato, University of Trento, Italy



Zhigang Ma, Carnegie Mellon University, USA



Yiannis Kompatsiaris,

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece (ikom@iti.gr)


Nicu Sebe, University of Trento, Italy



Shuicheng Yan, National University of Singapore






Location: George E. Pake Auditorium, 3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304


Time: Nov. 20th, Thursday, 1:00pm – 5:00pm




Speakers for the November meeting are as follows:


Li DENG (Deep Learning Technology Center, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA)

Title: Industrial Impact of Deep Learning – From Speech Recognition to Language and Multimodal Processing


Ronan Collobert (Facebook)

Title: Applied Deep Learning


Yangqing Jia (Google)

Title: Brewing a Deeper Understanding of Images


Richard Socher (Stanford)

Title: Recursive Deep Learning for Modeling Compositional and Grounded Meaning





October 31st, 2014 (midnight, PST): Regular/Short/Poster/Demo Paper Submission (Extended)

October 31st, 2014 (midnight, PST): Industry Paper Submission (Extended)


Ninth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing

February 9-11, 2015

Anhheim Marriott

Anaheim, California, USA



Semantic Computing (SC) is Computing based on Semantics (“meaning”,

“context”, “intention”). It addresses all types of resource including data,

document, tool, device, process and people. The scope of SC includes

analytics, semantics description languages and integration, interfaces,

and its applications in biomed, IoT, cloud computing, SDN, wearable

computing, context awareness, mobile computing, search engines, question

answering, big data, multimedia, services, etc.


The technical program of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on

Semantic Computing (ICSC 2015) will include workshops, invited keynotes,

paper presentations, panel discussions, demonstrations, and more.

Submissions of high-quality papers describing mature results or

ongoing work are invited.




Regular Papers, Short Papers, and Industry Papers

Authors are invited to submit an 8-page (regular), 4-page (short), or

6-page (industry) technical paper manuscript in double-column IEEE

format following the guidelines available on the ICSC20105 web page.


Demonstration Papers and Posters

Authors are invited to submit an 2-page (demonstration or poster)

technical paper manuscript in double-column IEEE format following

the guidelines available on the ICSC2015 web page.


Workshops Proposals

The organizing committee invites proposals for workshops to be held

in conjunction with the conference. These will focus on specific

topics of the main conference. More information is available on the

ICSC2015 web page. The Conference Proceedings will be published by

IEEE Computer Society Press. Distinguished quality papers presented

at the conference will be selected for publication in

internationally renowned journals.


AREAS OF INTEREST INCLUDE (but are not limited to):


Analytics (from contents to semantics):

Natural language processing

Image and video analysis

Audio, music and speech analysis

Structured data


Description and Integration:

Semantics description languages

Ontology integration



Semantic Interfaces:




Use of Semantics in IT:



Big data

Deep learning

Cloud computing


Wearable computing

Mobile computing

Search engines

Question answering

Web services

Security and privacy


Use of Semantics in Interdisciplinary Applications:










