This month’s topics include:
Call for Papers:
- IEEE MultiMedia
Call for Participation
- TCMC Meeting at ICME2019 – open to all TCMC members
Call for Papers
14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing
February 3-5, 2020
San Diego, California USA
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2020) addresses the derivation, description, integration, and use of semantics (“meaning”, “context”, “intention”) for all types of resource including data, document, tool, device, process and people. The scope of ICSC2020 includes, but is not limited to, analytics, semantics description languages and integration (of data and services), interfaces, and applications. The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference will be selected for publication in internationally renowned journals (SCI, EI, and/or Scoups indexed). ICSC2020 will also select and present a best paper award, a best student paper award, and a best student opponent award.
Important Dates:
- Workshop proposal: September 21, 2019
- Abstract submission: September 28, 2019
- Paper submission: October 5, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: November 15, 2019
- Workshop paper submission: December 7, 2019
- Camera-ready and registration: December 21, 2019
IEEE MultiMedia
IEEE MultiMedia magazine seeks original articles discussing research and advanced practices in hardware and software, spanning the range from theory to working systems. We encourage our authors to write in a conversational style, presenting even technical material clearly and simply. Articles submitted to IEEE MultiMedia should not exceed 6,500 words, including all text, the abstract, keywords, bibliography, and biographies. Each table and figure counts for 200 words. Please limit the number of references to the 12 most relevant. For more information and instructions on presentation and formatting, please see our author guidelines (
Please submit through ScholarOne Manuscripts (
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia
December 9-11, 2019
San Diego, California, USA
The technical program of ISM2019 will consist of invited talks, paper presentations, and panel discussions. Submissions are solicited for full papers and workshop papers. Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
- Systems and Architectures
- Communications and Streaming
- Multimedia Interfaces
- Media Coding, Processing, and Quality Measurement
- Multimedia Security and Forensics
- Content Understanding, Modeling, Management, and Retrieval
- Mobile Media
- Applications
Important Dates:
- Workshop proposal: July 20, 2019
- Paper submission: August 10, 2019
- Paper acceptance: September 28, 2019
- Workshop submission: October 12, 2019
- Camera ready and registration deadline: October 31, 2019
International Journal on Multimedia Data Engineering and Management
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publication in the International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM).
Topics to be included (but not limited) are:
- Content understanding and analytics
- Content-based retrieval (image, video, audio, etc.)
- Deep learning/machine learning/data mining
- Internet of multimedia things
- Media representation, processing and quality measurement
- Mobile media
- Multimedia applications
- Multimedia data engineering
- Multimedia data modeling
- Multimedia databases/data management
- Multimedia networking, communications and streaming
- Multimedia systems and infrastructures
- New standards
- Security support for multimedia data
Chengcui Zhang (University of Alabama at Birmingham) and Shu-Ching Chen (Florida International University, USA)
Call for Participation
IEEE TCMC meeting at ICME2019 – open to all TCMC members
We will have a TCMC meeting at ICME2019 (IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo) in Shanghai, China.
Date: July 10 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:30pm to 2:30pm
In this meeting, we will introduce TCMC’s activities and opportunities for TCMC members. You are welcome to attend the meeting and invite people who may be interested in attending this meeting.