Dear TCPP members,
We hope that you are coping well with the unprecedented sanitary situation. We are trying to make the bi-annual newsletter more relevant, feel free to send us feedback on what you would like to see in it (or not see). Overall, the goal of this newsletter is to provide a summary of information about our community.
Contents of the newsletter:
- TCPP news from the chair Anne Benoit
- News from Past TCPP Conferences
- Awards
- Misc
- Upcoming Important dates
TCPP news from the chair Anne Benoit
– Thanks to Trilce Estrada (University of New Mexico) and Charles Weems (University of Massachusetts), who agreed to co-chair the new TCPP standing committee on Diversity and Inclusion.
– Thanks to Guillaume Pallez (Inria, France), our new TCPP Web/Newsletter Coordinator.
– Karen Devine (Sandia) is the TCPP Outstanding Service Award Chair; call for nomination is now open until April 12 (see important dates below).
News from Past TCPP Conferences
– AICCSA, the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications was held virtually last November. Read more about its actions towards diversity and its keynote program
– HiPC, the IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Data & Analytics was held virtually last December. Holding it virtually increased its attendance, read more about its technical program
Recent Awards
[Early Career] Katie Schuman (ORNL, US), Dingwen Tao (WSU, US), Pedro Valero-Lara (ORNL, US) received the 2020 IEEE TCHPC Early Career Researchers Award for Excellence in High Performance Computing.
[Mid-Career] Shadi Ibrahim (Inria, FR), Sudip Misra (IIT, IN), Yogesh Simmhan (IISc, IN) and Haojin Zhu (SJTU, CN) received the 2020 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (mid career researcher).
As discussed by the HiPC chairs, the attendance of virtual conferences has increased several-fold compared to their physical ones. Was it as qualitative? What was gained, what was lost? How do we use this in the future? While physical meetings have important benefits, there are also advantages to virtual events. How do we get the best of both? The Programming Language communities discusses several ideas: maybe we
should have this discussion as well?
Upcoming Important dates:
– April 7, 2021, Deadline for submissions for e-Science
– April 12, 2021, Nomination for TCPP Outstanding Service and
Contributions Award:
In addition, please recall the dates of the upcoming (virtual) TCPP conferences for 2021:
– PERCOM, March 22-26, 2021
– IPDPS, May 17-21, 2021
– EduPar workshop, May 17
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have remarks or suggestions about TCPP, and feel free to encourage colleagues to become TCPP members for free:
Guillaume Pallez
TCPP web coordinator