2024 TCSE Awards – Call For Nominations

2024 IEEE Technical Community on Software Engineering (TCSE) Awards

The IEEE Technical Community on Software Engineering (TCSE) requests nominations of distinguished individuals and teams for its annual international awards. Each award includes an award plaque that will be presented at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) along with a public citation for the award on the IEEE TCSE website.

Important Dates

Intention Deadline for a Nomination (Mandatory): October 16, 2023

Nomination Deadline (Firm): October 30, 2023

Notification of Awards: Early January 2024

Award Presentation at ICSE 2024

TCSE Distinguished Service Award

Award Committee: Hausi Miller (Chair) and John Grundy

TCSE Distinguished Service Award is presented annually to an individual for outstanding and/or sustained contributions and service to the software engineering community, to TCSE, to the IEEE Computer Society, and to the IEEE. The ideal nominee will have provided service to TCSE and its conferences, but nominations of individuals who have provided service to the software engineering community in general will also be considered.

TCSE Distinguished Education Award

Award Committee: Tayana Uchôa Conte (Chair), Vandana Singh, and Julio Leite

TCSE Distinguished Education Award is presented annually to an individual for outstanding and/or sustained contributions to software engineering education.

TCSE Distinguished Synergy Award

Award Committee: Brian Fitzgerald (Chair), Jan Bosch, and Kelly Lyons

TCSE Distinguished Synergy Award is presented annually to a team for outstanding contributions that stand as a model in the software engineering community of effective partnership between industry and universities. The Committee will also consider nominations of independent research centres.

TCSE Distinguished Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Leadership Award

Award Committee: Laura Dillon (Chair), Gail Murphy, and Sahar Kokaly

TCSE Distinguished WISE Leadership Award is presented annually to an individual for outstanding and/or sustained leadership in the software engineering community to encourage women to explore science and engineering career paths.

TCSE Rising Star Award

Award Committee: Rick Kazman (Chair), Laurie Williams, and Linda Northrup 

TCSE Rising Star Award is presented annually to a person who is in the early stages of their post PhD career, or industrial practice career who has made contributions above those considered for normal such a person. Nominees will be best served if the focus of the submission specifically addresses contributions to Software Engineering and Software Development.

TCSE Lifetime Achievement Award

Award Committee: Andreas Zeller (Chair), Birgit Penzenstadler, and Kurt Schneider

TCSE Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually to an individual who has contributed a lifetime of outstanding and sustained contributions to the software engineering community that have resulted in real and lasting impact.  Nominees will be best served if the focus of the submission specifically documents high impact contributions to Software Engineering and Software Development.

TCSE New Directions Award

Award Committee: Mats Heimdahl (Chair), Shiva Nejati, and Marin Litoiu

TCSE New Directions Award is presented annually to an individual or team who have made substantial contributions to software engineering research or practice where these contributions moved the field in a new direction. The contribution is adopted by many other researchers and other organizations and results in advancement in the state of the art and practice. The result of the contribution is measurably superior to, and is positively influencing, existing practice. Nominees will be best served if the focus of the submission specifically addresses contributions to Software Engineering and Software Development.


  • A nominee must be an IEEE Computer Society and TCSE member at the time of nomination (unless the nominee is an institution).
  • Self-nominations are not allowed.
  • Achievements that have previously been recognized by an award in a similar category by this or other societies may not be re-nominated. All other nominations may be resubmitted in any subsequent year.
  • The same person cannot be nominated for different awards in the same year.
  • For a list of previous awardees, please check TCSE Awards.


  • The Committee may solicit nominations for the awards either personally or through mailing lists such as SEWORLD and TCSE.
  • The Committee may solicit past nominators to re-submit nominations from the previous year, if appropriate.
  • The Committee reserves the right to solicit nominations, and, if appropriate, may make no award in the current year, for example if none of the nominees satisfies the criteria for a given award.

Nomination Package

  • Nominator: name, address, phone number, email address, and IEEE number of the person making the nomination.
  • Nominee: name, address, phone number, email address, and IEEE number of the individual or institution for whom an award is recommended.
  • A paragraph (200-500 words) explaining why the nominee deserves the recommended award.
  • A letter from the nominee saying “I accept this nomination and declare to adhere to the IEEE Code of Ethics. My IEEE membership number is <number>.”
  • Supporting letter from the nominator.
  • Supporting letters from two referees who have no conflict of interest (CoI) with the nominee.  At least one of the referees should also not have a CoI with the nominator. Please see below what constitutes a CoI.
  • The vitae or detailed biographical summary of the nominee, or document highlighting the story of the institution, mission/goals, and what its impact has been on software engineering.

It is at the discretion of the Committee member to evaluate any additional information included in the package.

Submission of Nomination Package

A nomination package should be uploaded by the Nominator (who will act as corresponding author) as a single PDF file to the appropriate track for the award using EasyChair Submission Link.

The name of the submission should be “2024 [TCSE AWARD NAME] Submission for [NOMINEE]”.

The “Author” of the submission should be the Nominator. The nominator is expected to: (1) upload one single PDF file for the nomination, (2) indicate the details of the nominee and two referees in the additional fields, and (3) declare the CoIs of nominator, nominee and referees with the award selection committee in the EasyChair.

There is an additional field on the submission form for the nominee.

Please also check award committee members for conflicts of interest and use the EasyChair conflict of interest tool to flag any conflicts with the nominee.

General inquiries about the TCSE Awards may be directed to the 2024 TCSE Awards Co-Chairs, Mike Whalen <mike.whalen@gmail.com> and Federica Sarro <f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk>.

TCSE Awards Selection Process

  • TCSE Chair appoints the TCSE Awards Chair annually who serves at most two consecutive years.
  • The TCSE Awards Chair in consultation with the TCSE Chair appoints an Award Selection Chair and Committee Members for each award. Please see the criteria for each award.
  • Each Award Selection Chair will follow the selection criteria for that award and submit the recommendation to the TCSE Awards Chair.
  • There is flexibility in the process and criteria (e.g., move nominees to a more suitable category).
  • The TCSE Awards Chair will review the selection process and approve or disapprove the recommendation based on conformance with the selection process and criteria.
  • The TCSE Awards Chair will submit the final recommendations for approval to the TCSE Chair.
  • The TCSE Chair will submit the final recommendations for approval to IEEE.

Constitutes a Conflict of Interest (CoI)

  • The lifelong relationship between PhD student and PhD supervisor
  • Personal or family relationships that would reasonably cause others to doubt impartiality
  • Notable personal or professional rivalry/animosity (publicly known or not)
  • Working closely together (e.g., at the same institution, company, or organization; or within the same organizational team)
  • In the last five years (or pending in the near future):
    • Funder or program manager/awardee relationship exists
    • Recipients of joint funding or significant professional collaboration
    • Joint authorship of an archival publication