2021 TCSE Awards – Call For Nominations
Past Recipients
2021 IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE) Awards
The IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE) requests nominations of distinguished individuals and teams for its annual international awards. Each award includes an award plaque that will be presented at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) along with a public citation for the award on the IEEE TCSE website.
Important Dates
Nomination deadline: March 8, 2021
Notification of awards: April 15, 2021
Award presentation at virtual ICSE 2021, May 28; Everywhere on Earth
TCSE Distinguished Service Award
Award Committee: Tao Xie (Chair), Barbara Kitchenham, Bashar Nuseibeh, and Shing-Chi Cheung
The TCSE Distinguished Service Award is presented annually to an individual for outstanding and/or sustained contributions and service to the software engineering community.
TCSE Distinguished Education Award
Award Committee: Sarah Nadi (Chair), Carlo Ghezzi, Kelly Blincoe, and Daniel Amyot
The TCSE Distinguished Education Award is presented annually to an individual for outstanding and/or sustained contributions to software engineering education.
TCSE Distinguished Synergy Award
Award Committee: Vinay Kulkarni (Chair), Jon Whittle, Tony Clark, and Mark Grechanik
The TCSE Distinguished Synergy Award is presented annually to a team for outstanding and/or sustained contributions that stand as a model in the software engineering community of effective partnership between industry and universities.
TCSE Distinguished Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Award
Award Committee: Norha Villeages (Chair), Grace Lewis, Joanne Atlee, and Laurence Duchien
The TCSE Distinguished WISE Leadership Award is presented annually to an individual for outstanding and/or sustained leadership in the software engineering community to encourage women to explore science and engineering career paths
TCSE Rising Star AwardAward Committee:Award Committee:
Award Committee: Eleni Stroulia (Chair), Kelly Lyons, Jenny Zou, and Hanan Lutfiyya
TCSE Rising Star Award is presented annually to an individual whose early-career research has had a significant impact on the Software Engineering discipline, who has completed a PhD no more than 10 years ago at the time of nomination, and who has exceeded expectations for an individual of their experience in at least two of: teaching, leadership in the Software Engineering community, research, and disseminating software engineering concepts and practices.
TCSE Lifetime Achievement Award
Award Committee: Laurie Williams (Chair), Michael R. Lyu, Mary M Shaw, and Per Runeson
The TCSE Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually to an individual who has contributed a lifetime of outstanding and sustained contributions to the software engineering community.
TCSE New Directions Award
Award Committee: Rashina Hoda (Chair), Burak Turhan, Carol Woody, and Rick Kazman
The TCSE New Directions Award is presented annually to an individual or team who have made substantial contributions to software engineering research or practice where these contributions moved the field in a new direction.
- A nominee must be an IEEE Computer Society and TCSE member at the time of nomination (unless the nominee is an institution).
Nomination Package
- Nominator: name, address, phone number, and email address of the person making the nomination.
- Nominee: name, address, phone number, and email address of the individual (not self nominated) or institution for whom an award is recommended.
- A paragraph (200-500 words) explaining why the nominee deserves the recommended award.
- Supporting letters from two people in addition to the nominator.
- The vitae or detailed biographical summary of the nominee, or document highlighting the story of the institution, mission/goals, and what its impact has been on software engineering.
Submission of Nomination Package
A nomination package should be emailed, as a single file attachment in PDF, to tcse-awards@computer.org with the subject line “Submission 2021 TCSE Name of the Award”.
General inquiries about the TCSE Awards may be directed to the 2021 TCSE Awards Chair, Nelly Bencomo <n.bencomo@aston.ac.uk> and Tim Menzies <timm@ieee.org>.
TCSE Awards Selection Process
- TCSE Chair appoints the TCSE Awards Chair annually who serves at most two consecutive years.
- The TCSE Awards Chair in consultation with the TCSE Chair appoints an Award Selection Chair and Committee Members for each award. Please see the criteria for each award on the IEEE TCSE website.
- Each Award Selection Chair will follow the selection criteria for that award and submit the recommendation to the TCSE Awards Chair.
- There is flexibility in the process and criteria (e.g., move nominees to a more suitable category).
- The TCSE Awards Chair will review the selection process and approve or disapprove the recommendation based on conformance with the selection process and criteria.
- The TCSE Awards Chair will submit the final recommendations for approval to the TCSE Chair.
- The TCSE Chair will submit the final recommendations for approval to IEEE.