TC on Simulation
The TC on Simulation (TCSIM) is an IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee that promotes simulation-related research including, simulation design, development, methodologies, modeling and applications of simulation.
TCSIM is a forum for collaboration, networking, and information sharing on topics related to modeling and simulation. The TCSIM’s mailing list is tcsim@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG and members can receive the TCSIM newsletter with regular updates on events, awards and technical articles by joining our mailing list. You can also join the TCSIM Committee by sending an email to or using an IEEE Web Account.
TCSIM also promotes international conferences and workshops with focus on simulation and applications of simulation to other research areas. To learn about sponsored events, propose new activities or contribute to ongoing TCSIM activities, please contact the TCSIM chair.
Chair’s Message by Prof. Kaushik Chowdhury
Dear TCSIM Colleagues,
As the incoming Chair of TCSIM, I am honored to serve an active and vibrant community of professionals and students that have interest in using and advancing the state of the art of simulation-focused technologies. As computing resources become more accessible, and our awareness of the complexity of the real world continue to grow, there is an increasing demand for platforms that can model the true interactions between external devices and entities. Thus, simulation becomes the tool of choice. TCSIM, rooted in computing and simulation, serves a wide cross-section of disciplines, from large data-centers to communication systems to biological computing, and seeks active participation from members with such rich and diverse interests.
We will continue to build on our traditional activities in publishing quarterly newsletter that highlights the most significant advances in the area, organizes special issues and endorses conferences that fall within the TC’s scope, as well as encourages student authors through best paper awards and travel grants. I would like to welcome Dr. Natalizio and Di Felice from Europe as incoming Vice-Chairs and co-editors of the newsletter, and also appreciate Dr. El-Said for his leadership in revamping the TC’s website.
My sincere thanks to my predecessor: Dr. Cavalcanti, who provided inspired leadership of the TC over the past several years, and is still actively involved in the executive leadership of the TC. My deep appreciation also to Vice Chairs: Dr. Ghosh and Dr. Mazza who played crucial roles in reaching out to interest groups in networking and systems biology, and have now stepped down to pursue other opportunities.
Finally, I encourage you to read more and discover TCSIM, join our mailing lists, contribute to our newsletters and grow the simulation community!