The IEEE VGTC Awards program recognizes and honors individuals who have made a significant contribution to the community through their research and/or service. Furthermore, we seek out nominations of individuals that enable us to recognize both the diversity of individuals, as well as diversity of contributions, from the community at large.
The VGTC community currently confers awards in two major areas, Virtual Reality and Visualization. The annual awards are: Outstanding Dissertation, Significant New Researcher, Technical Achievement, Lifetime Achievement, Service, and Academy membership. Awards are presented at the annual Virtual Reality and Visualization conferences.
Virtual Reality and Visualization each have a designated Award Program Chairperson. Within each area, the Award Program Chairperson oversees Award Committees responsible for the individual awards listed below. In each area, Virtual Reality and Visualization, the individual committees are: Dissertation Award Committee, Significant New Researcher Award Committee, Lifetime and Technical Achievement Awards Committee, Service Award Committee, and Academy Membership Committee.