Service Awards
The IEEE VGTC Service Award recognizes extraordinary service to the community through the IEEE VGTC and/or the IEEE VGTC Sponsored Conferences and Symposia.
2024 VGTC VIS Service Award: Maria Velez
Affiliation: Imagination Lab
In recognition of her exemplary dedication and outstanding service contributions as the Finance Chair of IEEE VIS from 2010-present, which has been instrumental to the success and growth of the conference.
2024 VGTC VR Service Award: Mark Billinghurst
Affiliation: University of South Australia and University of Auckland, NZ
In recognition of his many years of service contributions to the VGTC VR and ISMAR conferences and to the AR/VR academic community.
2023 VGTC VIS Service Award: Tamara Munzner
For her passionate commitment to the community for over two decades including her service on the VIS Restructuring Committee (reVISe), VIS Executive Committee (VEC), VGTC Executive Committee, and Steering Committees for InfoVis and BioVis; her leadership as co-chair for EuroVis; and her unwavering dedication to teaching visualization, both at IEEE VIS and online, to foster the growth of future visualization scientists.
2023 VGTC VR Service Award: J. Edward Swan II
In recognition of his dedication, support, and many years of service contributions to the VR/AR academic community in operational capacity and in numerous leadership roles, including serving as chair of the IEEE VR Steering Committee, as the general chair of IEEE VR conferences, and as a chair of the international program committees for IEEE VR and ISMAR.
2022 VGTC Visualization Service Award: Gautam Chaudhary
In recognition for his service in critical roles for the VIS conference including Student Volunteer Chair (2007-2008), Finance Chair (2009), Program Chair (2010-2023), Virtual Conference Chair (2020-222) and Ombuds Committee (2019-2023), as well as his service on the VGTC Executive Committee (sine 2019) and the VIS Executive Committee (since 2021).
2022 VGTC VR Service Award: Kiyoshi Kiyokawa
for his dedication, support, and many years of service contributions to the VR/AR academic community in operational capacity and in numerous leadership roles.
2021 VGTC Visualization Service Award: Loretta Auvil
for the dedicated expertise and leadership she has provided to the visualization and visual analytics community through more than two decades of service as a finance chair of the VIS conference as well as her long-term service as finance chair of VGTC.
Former Service Award Recipients
These are awards made prior to 2020 award reorganization.
IEEE Meritorious Service Award
A certificate presented for meritorious and significant service to any Society-sponsored activity. Qualification is enhanced by the level and number of contributions, excellence, dedication and tenure of service. Meritorious Service Awards have been granted by IEEE to the VGTC Chairpersons for their successful development of the Visualization and Graphics Technical Community and service to its conferences, symposia, and other activities.
Recipient | Affiliation | Term of Service |
Tamara Munzner | University of British Columbia | 2018 |
Klaus Mueller | Stony Brook University | 2012-2015 |
Rachael Brady | CISCO | 2013 |
Amitabh Varshney | University of Maryland | 2008-2012 |
Hanspeter Pfister | Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) | 2004-2008 |
William Ribarsky | University of North Carolina, Charlotte | 2004 |
Robert Moorhead | Mississippi State University | 1999-2001 |
Gregory Nielson | Arizona State University | 1995 |
Arie Kaufman | Stony Brook University | 1995 |
Lawrence Rosenblum | Naval Research Laboratory | 1995 |
R. Bowen Loftin | Old Dominion University, USA | 2005 |
IEEE Outstanding Contribution Award
A certificate awarded for an achievement of major value and significance to the Computer Society. The achievement should be a specific, concisely characterized accomplishment, as opposed to a collection of different efforts. The co-founders of the Visualization Conference received the Outstanding Contribution Award in 1994 for their achievement in initiating and developing the conference, the first of which was held in 1990.
Recipient | Affiliation | Term of Service |
Lawrence Rosenblum | Naval Research Laboratory | 1992 |
Gregory Nielson | Arizona State University | 1992 |
Arie Kaufman | Stony Brook University | 1992 |
Carol Hunter | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | 1992 |
Bruce Brown | Oracle | 1992 |
IEEE Certificate of Appreciation
A certificate presented for creditable service to any Computer Society activity or program. Since 2000, VGTC as presented this award to its conference and symposia chairpersons.