Formatting Guidelines for TVCG Journal Track Papers
Please use the following templates for Special Issue TVCG papers (VIS full papers, ISMAR, VR accepted Long Papers, PacificVis Papers etc.):
- LaTeX Template (last updated February 9, 2024)
- Microsoft Word Template (latest version: December 27, 2022)
- Sample PDF paper (latest version: February 14, 2024)
These journal templates are not to be used by papers accepted as conference-only tracks, short papers, notes, workshops, panels, posters, contests/challenge, tutorials etc. Papers submitted to these tracks should use the VGTC Conference Style Template.
Please also note that these journal templates are not to be used for regular TVCG journal submissions (i.e., those not related to the special journal issues of VIS, ISMAR, VR PacificVis, etc.). For such papers, including those submitted as fast track submissions, please use the official TVCG templates instead.
If you are unsure which template style you should be using, please contact the appropriate track chairs of your conference. All inquiries and questions about document formatting can be directed to the VGTC Publications Chair at
Summary of Format
It is very important to follow these margins exactly or you run the risk of loosing text when the final paper is produced at a smaller trim size.
- Paper Size: 8.5 inches by 11.0 inches (21.59cm by 27.94cm)
- Top Margin: 0.75 inch (1.905 cm)
- Bottom Margin: 0.625 inch (1.5875 cm)
- Inside Margin: 0.75 inch (1.905 cm)
- Outside Margin: 0.625 inch (1.5875 cm)
- Columns: Two (2) columns, each 3.48 inches (8.8392 cm) wide
- Column Gutter: 0.17 inches (0.4318 cm) column gutter
Microsoft Word
The page margins are slightly different when produced in Microsoft Word, as it automatically inserts a bit of blank space in the top and bottom margins.
- Paper Size: 8.5 inches by 11.0 inches (21.59cm by 27.94cm)
- Top Margin: 0.69 inch (1.7526 cm)
- Bottom Margin: 0.69 inch (1.7526 cm)
- Inside Margin: 0.75 inch (1.905 cm)
- Outside Margin: 0.625 inch (1.5875 cm)
- Header Margin: 0.34 inch (0.8636 cm)
- Footer Margin: 0.3 inch (0.762 cm)
- Columns: Two (2) columns, each 3.48 inches (8.8392 cm) wide
- Column Gutter: 0.17 inches (0.4318 cm) column gutter
- Teaser images are allowed and encouraged in Journal papers.
- Please do not include any other images/graphs/charts on the first page of your paper.
- If possible, place all other images in one of the four corners of your pages.
- Please do not include headers in your paper. We will automate these for you with the appropriate information.
- Title Text: 18pt Helvetica, centered
- Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions (unless the title begins with such a word).
- Author Names: 10pt Helvetica, centered
- Author Information is specified in a comma separated list, the last one being attached with ‘, and’. If only two authors are given simply separate them with a single ‘and’. IEEE Members should be indicated by appending ‘Member, IEEE’ or ‘Student Member, IEEE’, whichever applies.
- Author Affiliation should be 10pt Times or Times New Roman.
- Contact Information should be provided as a list in a separate footnote at the bottom of the first page in the left column.
- Please include each author’s name, affiliation, and e-mail address, in bullet form with one bullet point per author.
- Please insert punctuation at the end of each item.
- Justified, indented an extra 0.33 inches from main body text of paper on inside and outside margins.
- The word “Abstract”: 8pt Helvetica, bold, justified, and not numbered.
- Body Text: up to 3 in. (7.62 cm) long.
- Abstract must be 1 paragraph; any paper with multiple paragraphs will be returned for correction.
- Left aligned, indented an extra 0.33 inches from main Body text of paper on inside and outside margins. In MS Word, if the Index Terms run more than one line, please justify so the far right is flush aligned except on the last line; we do not want the last line spacing stretched out to flush both left and right on the last line.
- The word “Index Terms”: 8pt Helvetica, bold, justified, and not numbered.
- Please only capitalize the first letter of the first word in the list, separating the words with commas
- Starting in 2013, a period (.) is no longer allowed at the end of the Index Terms
- A list of relevant index terms should be included after the abstract.
- Please think of these as being written in the style of Keywords, instead of the traditional ACM Index Terms (Looking at the sample PDF, might be of help.).
- Leave one blank line after Index terms.
- Insert the Diamond Rule (figure) after the Index Terms, centered.
- TVCG requires the Manuscript Received dates at the bottom of page 1 to be left as is.
- The most recent template version has made use of ‘xxx’ for the dates.
- TVCG will populate the ‘xxx’: post-production with the actual dates.
- No action from you is required.
- Section Headings: 9pt Helvetica, bold, flush left, numbered, small caps.
- Subsection Headings: 9pt Helvetica, bold, flush left, numbered.
- Sub-subsection Headings: 9pt Helvetica, flush left, numbered.
- 9pt Times or Times New Roman, justified on 10pt leading indent all paragraphs by 1em (roughly 3mm) except the first one under a heading.
- No blank lines between paragraphs.
- 8pt Helvetica.
- Figures and tables must be numbered separately.
- Figure captions are to be flush left below the figures.
- Please number each figure in the following manner: ‘Fig.#.’, followed by the title, using the appropriate punctuation.
- Capitalize the first word of each sentence in the figure caption.
- Table titles are to be centered above the tables.
- Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions (unless the title begins with such a word) of each figure caption.
- The word “ACKNOWLEDGMENTS”: 9pt Helvetica, bold, flush left, small caps, and not numbered.
- Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman.
- In the USA, it is spelled ‘acknowledgments’, without the ‘e’ after the ‘g’. Since the IEEE is a USA based society, we would recommend having it spelled ‘acknowledgments’ and have done that in our template. However, for the rest of the world, we will not correct it in conference papers – we also spell it ‘acknowledgements’ with an ‘e’ after the ‘g’.
- The words “SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS”: 9pt Helvetica, bold, flush left, small caps, and not numbered.
- Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman.
- The words “FIGURE CREDITS”: 9pt Helvetica, bold, flush left, small caps, and not numbered.
- Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman.
- The word “REFERENCES”: 9pt Helvetica, bold, flush left, small caps, and not numbered.
- List of references: 8pt Times or Times Roman on 9.5pt leading.
- When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets (e.g., [1]).
- Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books. For example:[1] Albert B. Smith, Christopher D. Jones, and Egon F. Roberts, “Article Title”, Journal, Publisher, Location, pp. 1-10, Date.[2] Christopher D. Jones, Albert B. Smith, and Egon F. Roberts, Book Title, Publisher, Location, Date.[3] Christopher D. Jones, Albert B. Smith, and Egon F. Roberts, “Chapter Title”, Book Title, Book Editors, Publisher, Location, Date.