The technical conferences that are financially sponsored by the Technical Committee on Services Computing (TCSVC) are listed below.
- The IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES) aims to serve as a platform and umbrella for seven co-located conferences (IEEE ICWS, SCC, CLOUD, BigData Congress, ICIOT, ICCC, and EDGE) to facilitate holistic innovations in Services Computing.
- The IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) is the flagship theme-topic conference for Web-based services, featuring Web-based services modeling, development, publishing, discovery, composition, testing, adaptation, and delivery, and Web services technologies as well as standards.
- The IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC) is the flagship theme-topic conference for services innovation lifecycle that includes enterprise modeling, business consulting, solution creation, services orchestration, services optimization, services management, services marketing, business process integration and management.
- The International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD) is the flagship theme-topic conference for modeling, developing, publishing, monitoring, managing, delivering XaaS (everything as a service) in the context of various types of cloud environments.
- The IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress) is the emerging theme-topic conference for quantitative analysis of impact on business insights from Big Data analytics.
- The IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT)promotes research and application innovations for a new era in which sensors and other types of sensing devices, wired and wireless networks, platforms and tools, processing/visualization/analysis of data, data integration engines, and applications are interconnected to realize the service value of connected things, people, and virtual Internet spaces.
- The IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC)cover all aspects of Sensing Intelligence (SI) as a Service (SIaaS). Cognitive Computing is a sensing-driven-computing (SDC) scheme that explores and integrates intelligence from all types of senses in various scenarios and solution contexts. It is well beyond traditional human being’s senses, which has four major senses (sight, smell, hearing, and taste) located in specific parts of the body, as well as a sense of touch located all over a body.
- The IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE) aims to become a premier international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange the latest technical advances and best practices in edge computing, identify emerging research topics in edge computing, and envision the future of edge computing in terms of the evolution of computing devices and data center clouds.
- The IEEE Cloud Computing for Emerging Markets (CCEM) is the emerging theme-topic conference for the adoption and advances of cloud computing technologies aiming at creating the innovative emerging markets services that can transform the lives of billions, drive a much larger scale of adoption and challenge existing price points, while presenting unique challenges in areas such as security and user interfaces to cloud computing.