June 2016 Newsletter

Welcome to the June’16 edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.
To join TCMC: https://www.computer.org/web/tcmc/join-tcmc
This month’s topics include:
* IEEE ISM 2016 Journal Special Issue with IEEE Multimedia Magazine
* IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
  Special Issue on “Efficient and Rapid Machine Learning Algorithms
  for Big Data and Dynamic Varying Systems”
* International Workshop on Multimodal Virtual and Augmented Reality
  In conjunction with ACM ICMI
The deadline (Jul. 16) of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)
is fast approaching!
There will be a special fast track issue in the IEEE Multimedia Magazine
for the selected top papers in ISM’16. The target issue is the
April-June (2017) issue.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Apostol (Paul) Natsev
Software engineer and manager, Google Research
Jan P. Allebach, IEEE Fellow
Professor, Purdue University
Pradeep Dubey
Intel Fellow and Director of Parallel Computing Lab, Intel Labs
Call for Papers
Special Issue on
“Efficient and Rapid Machine Learning Algorithms for Big
Data and Dynamic Varying Systems”
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
A special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems will be
focusing on Efficient Learning Algorithms for Big Data and Dynamic Varying Systems.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their original unpublished contributions for
consideration by this special issue. Comprehensive tutorial and survey papers will also be
With the exponential growth of data and complexity of systems, fast machine learning/
artificial intelligence and computational intelligence techniques/solutions are needed. Many
conventional computational intelligence techniques face bottlenecks in learning (e.g.,
intensive human intervention and convergence time). However, efficient learning algorithms
(e.g., Extreme Learning Machines (ELM), random forest, Random Kitchen Sink (RKS),
FastFood, Random Vector Functional Links (RVFL), QuickNet, etc) alternatively offer
significant benefits including fast learning speed, ease of implementation and minimal
human intervention.
The need for efficient and fast implementation of machine learning techniques in big data
and dynamic varying systems poses many research challenges. This special issue seeks to
explore novel research investigations in the related areas.
Topics of interest:
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Learning algorithms
* Time series prediction
* Fast modeling and simulation
* Real-time learning and reasoning
* Sequential/incremental learning
* Parallel and distributed computing for large system
* Fast super / ultra-large-scale data analytics
* Fast implementation of deep learning with ELM Applications
* Large social media applications
* Large video data analytics
* Large Internet of Things (IoT) applications
* Large security systems
* Large autonomous systems
* Large mobility systems
* Various dynamic varying systems
Paper submission:
Potential authors may submit their full-length manuscripts for publication consideration
through the journal manuscript submission system https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/systems.
All the submissions will go through rigorous peer review.
Important dates:
Manuscript Submission Deadline: August 31, 2016
Notification of Paper Decision: November 15, 2016
Revised Paper Submission Deadline: January 15, 2017
Final Paper Submission Decision: February 28, 2017
Publication Date: April, 2017
Guest Editors:
Guang-Bin Huang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, egbhuang@ntu.edu.sg
Fuchun Sun, Tsinghua University, China, fcsun@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Q. M. Jonathan Wu, Winsor University, Canada, jwu@uwindsor.ca
Donald C. Wunsch II, Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA, dwunsch@mst.edu
MVAR 2016 – 1st Call for Papers
International Workshop on
Multimodal Virtual and Augmented Reality
In conjunction with ACM ICMI 2016, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan, November 16, 2016
*Important dates*
Jul 15, 2016: Submission deadline
Sep 07, 2016: Acceptance notifications
Nov 16, 2016: Workshop at ICMI 2016
*Aim and scope*
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are currently two
of the “hottest” topics in the IT industries. Many consider them
to be the next wave in computing with a similar impact as the shift
from desktop systems to mobiles and wearables. Multimodal
interaction offers great potential to not only make AR and VR
experiences more realistic, but also to provide more powerful and
efficient means of interacting with virtual and augmented worlds.
The aim of this workshop is to explore these opportunities by
inviting contributions on all kinds of works related to interaction
or multimodality in the context of VR and AR computing.
We invite researchers and visionaries to submit their latest results
on any aspects that are relevant for multimodality and/or interaction
in VR and AR. Contributions of more fundamental nature (e.g.,
psychophysical studies and empirical research about multimodality)
are welcome as well as more technical contributions (including use
cases, best-practice demonstrations, prototype systems, etc.).
Position papers and reviews of the state-of-the art and ongoing
research are invited, too. Submissions do not necessarily have to
address multiple modalities, but work focusing on single modes that
go beyond the state-of-the-art of “purely visual” systems (e.g.,
papers about smell, taste, and haptics) are suited as well.
For a concrete list of topics of interest see
Final versions of accepted manuscripts will be published in the
ACM Digital Library. Selected contributions will be invited for
publication of a special issue in a suitable journal.
Wolfgang Huerst, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Daisuke Iwai, Osaka University, Japan
Prabhakaran Balakrishnan, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Contact: huerst@uu.nl