2 December 2020
8:50 ET (13:50 GMT) Opening remarks
9:00 ET (14:00 GMT) Keynote: A robotics perspective in the age of COVID-19 – Claire Delaunay NVIDIA, US
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10:00 ET (15:00 GMT) | Structure Prediction and Ligand-Binding Prediction for Analysis of Structure-Unknown Proteins and Unknown Pockets in Proteins of SARS-CoV-2 Kentaro Tomii AIST, Japan |
The effect of Covid-19 infection on the bio-mechanics of voice production: a computational perspective Rita Singh Carnegie Mellon University, US |
10:45 ET (15:45 GMT) | Artificial intelligence predicts the immunogenic landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Trevor Clancy NEC OncoImmunity AS, Norway |
A Cascaded Learning Strategy for Robust COVID-19 Pneumonia Chest X-Ray Screening Tyng-Luh Liu Taiwan AI Labs, Taiwan |
11:30 ET (16:30 GMT) | Early triage of critically ill COVID-19 patients using Deep Learning Junzhou Huang Tencent, China |
A Rapid, Accurate and Machine-agnostic Segmentation and Quantification Method for CT-based COVID-19 Diagnosis Xin Gao KAUST, Saudi Arabia Cancelled |
15:00 ET (20:00 GMT) Keynote: Moderna, Pandemic Vaccines, and the Path to Health Security – Dr. Noubar Afeyan Cambridge, MA, US
16:00 ET (21:00 GMT) Keynote: Big Bets and Building Blocks: Enriching lives through smart and autonomous solutions – Kathy Winter Intel, US
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17:00 ET (22:00 GMT) | Global crisis response management using AI, ML and quantum technologies Roberto Desimone BAE Systems, UK |
Open-source drug discovery: An ambitious Moonshot Aaron Morris PostEra, US |
From the Basement to the Cloud: Developing a Covid-19 Testing Pipeline Marissa Fisher Broad Institute, US |
17:45 ET (22:45 GMT) | Droplet/Aerosol Dispersion Simulation on the Supercomputer Fugaku for the Fight against COVID-19 Makoto Tsubokura RIKEN/Kobe University, Japan |
Simulation of SARS-CoV-2 envelope assembly to help develop treatments for COVID-19 Logan Thrasher Collins CONDUIT, US |
Using Social Media During Emerging Infectious Diseases Outbreaks Lu Tang Texas A&M University, US |
18:30 ET (23:30 GMT) | COVID-19 Pandemic Forecasting: Uncertainty Challenges and Predictive Monitoring Jianxi Luo Singapore Universuty of Technology and Design, Singapore |
Tackling COVID-19 with exascale computing via Folding@home Gregory R. Bowman Folding@home, US |
Combining automation and artificial intelligence for rapid discovery of diagnostics and therapeutics in respond to COVID-19 Nathan Collins SRI International, US |
3 December 2020
9:00 ET (14:00 GMT) Keynote – Human Augmentation Technologies towards Competence Sharing through Augmented Telework – Dr. Masaaki Mochimaru AIST, Japan
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10:00 ET (15:00 GMT) | Reimagining mobility with avatarin Akira Fukabori avatarin Inc., Japan |
Robot Remote Operation/Teaching with VR TeleWork System Yasumichi Aiyama University of Tsukuba, Japan |
10:45 ET (15:45 GMT) | Human Augmentation and the future of Human-Computer Integration Jun Rekimoto The University of Tokyo, Japan |
Autonomous Mobile Robot System for Human Machine Harmonization using Harmoware Nobuo Kawaguchi Nagoya University, Japan |
11:30 ET (16:30 GMT) | Future of AI and Post-Pandemic Society: A Service Science Perspective Jim Spohrer IBM, US |
Evolution of the Operator 4.0 Vision: Pre-, During-, and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic David Romero Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico |
16:00 ET (21:00 GMT) Keynote – Biosecure Urbanism: Covid-19, New Technologies and the Future of Cities – Simon Marvin The University of Sheffield, UK
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17:00 ET (22:00 GMT) | Covid19’s impact on technology work practices and recruiting Abhina Agrawal Rocket, US |
New Ways to Collaborate in the COVID Era Mark Billinghurst University of South Australia, Australia |
17:45 ET (22:45 GMT) | Augmented teleworking for sustainable work Kentaro Watanabe AIST, Japan |
Possibility of highly precise educational big-data collected by controlling the timing of occurrence of learning/testing events Takafumi Terasawa Okayama University, Japan |
18:30 ET (23:30 GMT) | Rebooting cities after crisis and preventing future risks with the help of data, foresight and systems thinking – Case COVID Peter Ylén VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland |
Computation for Happiness of People Kazuo Yano Hitachi, Japan |
19:15 ET (24:15 GMT) Keynote: Alibaba DAMO Academy Medical & Health AI Technology and Practices Against COVID-19 – Ying Chi, Director of DAMO Academy Medical AI
20:15 ET (1:15 GMT) Panel Discussion: On the Impact of Technology on COVID19 Pandemic
Moderator: Yervant Zorian, Chief Technologist & Fellow, Synopsys
- Joseph Bousaba, VP & GM, Emerging Sensors BU, TDK
- Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Rafic Makki, Head Technologist, Mubadala Capital Ventures
- Victor Zhirnov, Chief Scientist, Semiconductor Research Corporation
21:15 ET (2:15 GMT) Closing – Hironori Kasahara