TCPAMI Awards Committee
The PAMI-TC Award Committee is intended recognize research of superior quality. The committee was established by the following motion, which was approved at CVPR13: “The PAMI-TC Award Committee shall consist of 6 members, serving staggered 3-year terms. The members shall be elected by an annual vote of the PAMI-TC, from among candidates who are nominated a month in advance. The PAMI-TC chair shall fill any vacancies.
The awards committee will make public its procedures for giving out awards, including its conflicts policy.” The award committee will select awards to be presented at CVPR or ICCV, and occasionally at other vision conferences of similar quality. All awards except for the best paper awards at an individual conference are the committee’s responsibility. The committee will appoint an ad hoc committee to select the winner(s) for each award, typically with a member of the awards committee as the chair.
Conflict of Interest Policy
No member of the ad hoc committee in charge of recommending an award is eligible for the award. The members of the ad hoc committee shall disclose their conflicts to the rest of the ad hoc committee and to the TC chair. The definition of conflicts shall be the one used by National Science Foundation funding panels, which also allows a committee member to declare a conflict for any reason.
A member with a conflict shall not participate in any discussions of the relevant candidate. The award recommendation shall be made using a voting system that allows the option of voting “no opinion” on a particular candidate without helping or harming their prospects. At the end of the process the ad hoc committee will vote, and the TC chair shall ensure that members vote “no opinion” on all candidates with whom they have a conflict.
PAMI-TC Awards
The awards given by the PAMI-TC are listed below. The awards page provides a list of previous winners. At its discretion the PAMI-TC Award committee can create additional awards.
- PAMI Azriel Rosenfeld Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is given to researchers in Computer Vision who have made major contributions to the field over their career and who have influenced the field in an extraordinary way. The award is given every other year at ICCV.
- PAMI Distinguished Researcher Award. This award (formerly called Significant Researcher Award) is awarded to candidates whose research contributions have significantly contributed to the progress of Computer Vision. The award is given every other year at ICCV.
- PAMI Young Researcher Award. This award is given to a researcher within 7 years of their PhD whose early work shows exceptional promise. The award is given every year at CVPR.
- PAMI Mark Everingham Prize. This award is for contributions to the Computer Vision Community. This award is given every year, alternating between ICCV and ECCV.
- CVPR Longuet-Higgins Prize. This award is given to CVPR papers that were published at least 10 years ago. This award is given at each CVPR.
- ICCV Helmholtz Prize. This award (formerly called the Test of Time Award) is given to ICCV papers that were published at least 10 years ago. This award is given at each ICCV.
Members of the PAMI-TC Award Committee
- Ramin Zabih (chair)
- David Forsyth
- Bill Freeman
- Takeo Kanade
- Jitendra Malik
- Cordelia Schmid
- Tinne Tuytelaars
- Andrew Zisserman
In addition, the PAMI-TC chair serves as an ex officio non-voting member of the Awards Committee.