TC Meetings

The TC will hold an in-person meeting (with hybrid streaming where possible) at CVPR, ICCV and WACV. The purpose of this meeting is to provide updates to the computer vision community about the operations of the TC’s conferences and journal, as well as to provide an open forum for the community to raise questions and concerns. A set of motions related to TC- and conference-specific policies that have been proposed ahead of time will be discussed and voted upon. The TC Chair will facilitate the TC Meeting and the associated electronic voting process.

Conference Date
CVPR 2024 June 20
WACV 2024 January 6
ICCV 2023 October 5
CVPR 2023 June 21
WACV 2023 January 5
CVPR 2022 June 21


TC Motions

A TC motion is a policy recommendation to be voted upon by members of the computer vision community present at a major computer vision conference (CVPR, ICCV and WACV). Any member of the TC can propose a motion in advance of a conference by the stated deadline. The TC Chair has the ultimate discretion in deciding whether to put a motion up for a vote or not. Motions are typically considered on a per conference basis. Motions are advisory. If a motion passes by majority vote, it is sent to the relevant conference Steering Committee and future conference General Chairs and Program Chairs as a recommendation.

See list of passed motions


TC Newsletters

The TC PAMI newsletter is a primary source of news for the computer vision community. It contains current calls for conferences, workshops and journals, as well as other miscellaneous news items related to computer vision. It is released once a month. If you have a news item that you’d like to share, send it to the TC Chair Walter Scheirer <>.

Archived Newsletters