WACV Steering Committee

WACV is governed by a 7-member steering committee that is external to, but interacts with, TC PAMI. The committee consists almost entirely of past / future general chairs. The current TC Chair serves as an Ex Officio (non-voting) member. It is possible for the current TC chair to serve as a voting member of the committee if they have served or will serve as a lead general chair of a conference.

The steering committee has arbitrary authority over its conferences, subject to approval from the financial sponsors. The steering committee is responsible for establishing future editions of WACV. This involves the selection of a lead general chair and a venue. The lead general chair appoints the rest of the organizing committee, starting with the other General Chairs and the Program Chairs. The steering committee has the option of a community vote for the program chairs. The lead general chair reports to the steering committee, and the steering committee reports to the financial sponsors, who must jointly approve any decision that in their opinion has a financial impact. In the very unlikely event of a serious issue, the steering committee can replace the lead general chair and the rest of the organizing committee by a 2/3 vote with consent of both financial sponsors.


WACV Lead General Chairs (5)

Year Name Affiliation
2024 Richard Souvenir Temple University
2023 Ryan Farrell Brigham Young University
2022 Kevin Bowyer University of Notre Dame
2021 Walter Scheirer University of Notre Dame
2020 Arun Ross Michigan State University

CVF Representative (1)

Name Affiliation
Gerard Medioni USC Viterbi School of Engineering

IEEE Computer Society Representative (1)

Name Affiliation
Melissa Russell IEEE Computer Society

Ex Officio Non-Voting (3)

Name Affiliation
Ramin Zabih Cornell University, CVF