Welcome to September’s edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.
This month’s topics include:
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Call for Papers
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2014 Conference theme: Embracing Social Multimedia
July 14-18, 2014 •CHENGDU, China – Home of Panda
Download PDF version of this call for papers.
With around 1000 submissions and 500 participants each year, the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) has been the flagship multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000. It serves as a forum to promote the exchange of the latest advances in multimedia technologies, systems, and applications from both the research and development perspectives of the circuits and systems, communications, computer, and signal processing communities. Multimedia data generally refer to audio, image, video, 3D, newer sensor data (e.g. depth) and related multi-modality data. In 2014, an Exposition of multimedia products, prototypes and animations will be held in conjunction with the conference.
Authors are invited to submit a full paper (two?column format, 6 pages maximum) according to the guidelines available on the conference website at http://www.icme2014.org. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
ICME 2014 aims to have high quality oral and poster presentations. Several awards sponsored by industry and institutions will be given out. The conference will provide student author travel grants. Accepted papers should be presented, or else they will not be included in the IEEE Xplore Library.
A number of workshops will be organized by the sponsoring societies. To further foster new emerging topics, ICME 2014 also welcomes researchers, developers and practitioners to organize regular workshops. Industrial exhibitions are held in parallel with the main conference. Proposals for special sessions, tutorials, panels, and demos are also invited. Please visit the ICME 2014 website for submission details.
Conference website: http://www.icme2014.org, contact email: icme14@gmail.com
Multiple Sensorial (MulSeMedia) Multi-modal Media: Advances and Applications
Multimedia applications have primarily engaged two of the human senses – sight and hearing. With recent advances in computational technology, however it is possible to develop applications that also consider, integrate and synchronize inputs across all senses, including tactile, olfaction, and gustatory. This integration of multiple senses leads to a paradigm shift towards a new mulsemedia (multiple sensorial media) experience, aligning rich data from multiple human senses. Mulsemedia brings with itself new and exciting challenges and opportunities in research, industry, commerce, and academia. This special issue solicits contributions dealing with mulsemedia in all of these areas. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Context-aware Mulsemedia
- Metrics for Mulsemedia
- Capture and synchronization of Mulsemedia
- Mulsemedia devices
- Mulsemedia in distributed environments
- Mulsemedia integration
- Mulsemedia user studies
- Multi-modal mulsemedia interaction
- Mulsemedia and virtual reality
- Quality of service and Mulsemedia
- Quality of experience and Mulsemedia
- Tactile/haptic interaction
- User modelling and Mulsemedia
- Mulsemedia and e-learning
- Mulsemedia and e-commerce
- Mulsemedia Standards
- Mulsemedia applications (e.g. e-commerce, e- learning, e-health, etc)
- Emotional response (e.g. EEG) of Mulsemedia
- Mulsemedia sensor research
- Mulsemedia databases
- Paper Submission: 14/10/2013
- First Decision: 13/01/2014
- Paper Revision Submission: 03/03/2014
- Second Decision: 28/04/2014
- Accepted Papers Due: 12/05/2014
Guest Editors
- George Ghinea (Brunel University, UK)
- Stephen Gulliver (University of Reading, UK)
- Christian Timmerer (Alpen-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria)
- Weisi Lin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Prospective contributors are welcome to contact the guest editors at guesteditors2014@kom.tu- darmstadt.de
Submission Procedure
All submission guidelines of TOMCCAP, such as formatting, page limits and extensions of previously-submitted conference papers, must be adhered to. Please see the Authors Guide section of the TOMCCAP website for more details (http://tomccap.acm.org). To submit please follow these instructions:
- Submit your paper through TOMCCAP’s online system http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tomccap. When submitting please use the Manuscript Type ‘Special Issue: MulSeMedia’ in the ManuscriptCentral system.
- In your cover letter, include the information “Special Issue on Mulsemedia” and, if submitting an extended version of a conference paper, explain how the new submission is different and extends previously published work.
- After you submit your paper, the system will assign a manuscript number to it. Please email this number toguesteditors2014@kom.tu-darmstadt.de together with the title of your paper.