February 2015 Newsletter

Welcome to the February’15 edition of the IEEE-TCMC (Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing) monthly mailing.

This month’s topics include:

IEEE ICME 2015 news
Call for Nominations – IEEE T-MM Best Paper Award
IEEE Trans. on Multimedia SI CFP
IEEE Multimedia January Issue

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News from IEEE ICME 2015, Torino, Italy, June 29 – July 3, 2015


– “Multimedia 2035” special session will be organized during ICME
2015 for the first time. This session will feature four speakers
discussing the future of multimedia in 20 years from now, as well
as a panel discussion.

– Accepted workshops have been published on the web. We have
selected 13 top-quality workshops that will be held during ICME in
order to complement the main program. The workshop titles and call
for papers can be found on the ICME web site. The deadline is Mar.
30, 2015.

– Call for tutorials: deadline on Jan. 31, 2015

– Call for demos is open, deadline on Mar. 30, 2015.

– Call for Industry Forums is open, deadline Mar. 1, 2015.
Industry forums aim to promote applied research and applications,
and facilitate collaborations between industrial and academic
members of the multimedia community. The format is open and could
include industry talks, demos and/or panel discussions. The
industry forum would provide a platform for participants to
discuss recent technological advances and innovations, and/or
their vision for the next 5~10 years in multimedia. Industry paper
submission deadline: Mar. 30, 2015.

– Call for EU Projects Papers is open, deadline on Mar. 30, 2015.
The EU Projects Program aims at increasing awareness of the recent
results obtained by Research Projects funded by the European
Commission or by European Agencies (included those supported by a
single member state), allowing project coordinators and partners
to disseminate the developed approaches and results.

– The MSR-Bing Grand Challenge on Image Retrieval will be held
during ICME 2015.

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2015 Prize Paper Award

Eligible Papers: Any paper published in T-MM in 2012, 2013, or 2014 is

Nominations should include:
1. Nominator (with contact information)
2. Bibliographic information for the paper
3. A short statement of support (less than 500 words) explaining the
rationale for the nomination.

Judging shall be on the bases of originality, subject matter,
timeliness, potential
impact, and presentation quality.

Nominations should be sent to the T-MM Editor-in-Chief:

Prof. Chang Wen Chen (chencw@buffalo.edu)

no later than *31-March-2015.*

Call For Papers
Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
“Multimedia: The Biggest Big Data”

Multimedia is increasingly becoming the “biggest big data” as the most
important and valuable source for insights and information. It covers
from everyone’s experiences to everything happening in the world.
There will be lots of multimedia big data — surveillance video,
entertainment and social media, medical images, consumer images,
voice and video, to name a few, only if their volumes grow to the extent
that the traditional multimedia processing and analysis systems cannot
handle effectively. As such, multimedia big data will emerge as the next
“must have” competency in our society, and is spurring on tremendous
amounts of research and development of related technologies and applications.
As an active and inter-disciplinary research field, multimedia big
data also presents a great opportunity for multimedia computing in the big
data era. The challenges and opportunities highlighted in this field will
foster some interesting future developments in the multimedia research
and applications.

The goal of this special issue is to provide a premier forum for
researchers working on the aforementioned multimedia big
data aspects to present their recent research results. It also provides
an important opportunity for multidisciplinary works connecting big data
to multimedia computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

* New theory and models for multimedia big data computing
* Ultra-high efficiency compression, coding and transmission for multimedia big data
* Content analysis and mining for multimedia big data
* Semantic retrieval of multimedia big data
* Deep learning and cloud computing for multimedia big data
* Green computing for multimedia big data (e.g., high efficiency storage)
* Security and privacy in multimedia big data
* Interaction, access, visualization of multimedia big data
* Multimedia big data systems
* Novel and incentive applications of multimedia big data in various fields
(e.g., search, healthcare, transportation, and retail)

Submission deadline: February 28, 2015 First notification: April 28, 2015
Revision due: May 31, 2015 Final notification of acceptance: July 5, 2015
Camera-ready manuscript due: July 21, 2015 Tentative publication date: August 2015

Papers should be formatted according to the IEEE Transactions on
Multimedia guidelines for authors (see:
http://www.signalprocessingsociety.org/tmm/tmm-author-info/). By
submitting/resubmitting your manuscript to this
transactions, you are acknowledging that you accept the rules established
for publication of manuscripts, including
agreement to pay all over-length page charges, color charges, and any
other charges and fees associated with publication of
the manuscript. Manuscripts (both 1-column and 2-column versions are
required) should be submitted electronically through the online IEEE
manuscript submission system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tmm-ieee.
When selecting a manuscript type, the authors must click on BigMM Special
Issue. All the submitted papers will go through the same review
process as that for the regular TMM paper submissions. Referees will
consider originality, significance, technical
soundness, clarity of exposition, and relevance to the special issue
topics above.

Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA (chens@cs.fiu.edu)
Ramesh Jain, University of California, Irvine, USA (jain@ics.uci.edu)
Yonghong Tian, Peking University, China (yhtian@pku.edu.cn)
Haohong Wang, TCL Research America, USA (haohongwang@gmail.com)

Special Issue on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Mobile Computing
Part of Visual Computing in the Cloud Special Issue Series

Recent advances in smartphones and wireless technologies are fuelling
a new wave of user demands for rich mobile experiences. Mobile users
not only expect a broadband connection wherever they go and interact
with each other via social networks on the go, but also demand ubiquitous
access to a wealth of video contents and services. However, this trend
is seriously hindered by the fact that onboard resources with mobile
devices are inherently limited and its growth rate falls behind that
of their desktop counterparts. Fortunately, the emerging cloud
computing paradigm offers a natural solution to extend the desktop
visual experience to mobile devices. In fact, it is essential for
the seemingly unlimited cloud to provide computational and storage
support for many media-rich applications with both front-end and
back-end functionalities. At the same time, the synergy between
image/video and cloud computing requires novel solutions to address
many technical challenges arising in this exciting space. For
example, the fundamental tension between resource-hungry video
applications and power-limited mobile devices has yet to be resolved,
and is complicated by operating mobile devices as access points.
Effort for providing a universal rich video experience across many
screens is typically limited by the heterogeneity amongst
ever-evolving mobile devices, as manifested in their different physical
form factors, middleware platforms, and interactive features, and
rapidly-changing networking technologies (e.g., WiFi, WiMesh,
3G/4G/5G, LTE, SDN, NDN). This challenge is further aggravated by
business concerns from different service providers (e.g.,Telcos,
MSOs and ISPs), as well as security concerns from users and content
providers. In the back-end, video processing, distribution,
adaptation and analytics need to be revisited under this new paradigm,
to best serve the mobile clients with good QoS/QoE at a low cost.
These daunting technological challenges are better tackled by an
interdisciplinary approach and draw insights from both academic
research and industrial development. In this issue, we invite novel,
innovative original research and extensive review articles that
study the state-of-the-art interactions among advanced mobile video
technologies, cloud computing, mobility and social network.

Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Enhanced QoE/QoS for mobile video with cloud support
• Mobile video content delivery in the cloud
• Video search on mobile devices with cloud support
• Distributed caching for mobile cloud video
• Mobile video processing in the cloud
• Media cloud resource management for video applications
• Metadata management for mobile video applications
• Mobile video analytics in the cloud
• Context-aware mobile video over the cloud (e.g., location, user, etc)
• Video adaptation for mobile cloud
• Location-based mobile video services
• User-centric video adaptation in the cloud
• Interactive video rendering for mobile devices
• Service-oriented video management
• Cloud-based mobile video system and applications
• Security and privacy for mobile cloud video
• Mobile video networking in the cloud
• Mobility management for cloud video
• Mobile cloud video over future Internet (e.g., SDN, NDN)
• Synthesis between mobile video and social networking with cloud support
• Cost optimization (e.g., energy, monetary cost, etc) in mobile cloud video
• Video/image editing/authoring on mobile devices with cloud support

Important Dates
Initial Paper Submission:  July 15, 2015
Initial Paper Decision:  September 15, 2015
Revised Paper Submission:  October 15, 2015
Revised Paper Decision:  December 15, 2015
Final Paper Submission:  January 15, 2016
Final Paper Decision:  March 1, 2016
Publication Date: June 2016

Manuscript submissions and reviewing process
Submission of a paper to CSVT is permitted only if the paper has not
been submitted, accepted, published, or copyrighted in another journal.
Papers that have been published in conference and workshop
proceedings may be submitted for consideration to CSVT provided that
(i) the authors cite their earlier work; (ii) the papers are not
identical; and (iii) the journal publication includes novel elements
(e.g., more comprehensive experiments). For submission information,
please consult the IEEE CSVT Information for Authors:


Guest Editors
Yonggang Wen                  Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Pascal Frossard                 EPFL, Switzerland
Qibin Sun                             Cisco Systems Inc., USA (IEEE Fellow)
Wenjun Zeng                     University of Missouri, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Jacob Chakareski              University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Di Wu                                    Sun Yat-Sen University, China

IEEE MultiMedia, January-March 2015
vol. 21, no. 1


Interactive Sonification

20  Guest Editors’ Introduction
Norberto Degara, Andy Hunt, and Thomas Hermann

24  The Effects of Ecological Auditory Feedback on Rhythmic Walking Interaction
Justyna Maculewicz, Antti Jylh, Stefania Serafin, and Cumhur Erkut

32  Effects of Auditory Feedback on Menu Selection in Hand-Gesture Interfaces
Yongki Park, Jaehoon Kim, and Kyogu Lee

41  Designing an Interactive Audio Interface for Climate Science
Visda Goudarzi

48   Sonification of Surface Tapping Changes Behavior, Surface Perception, and Emotion
Ana Tajadura-Jimenez, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Enrico Furfaro, and Fredric Bevilacqua

58   Interactive Sonification in Rowing: Acoustic Feedback for On-Water Training
Nina Schaffert and Klaus Mattes

68  Wearable Auditory Biofeedback Device for Blind and Sighted Individuals
Masaki Matsubara, Takahiro Oba, Hideki Kadone, Hiroko Terasawa, Kenji Suzuki, and Masaki Iguchi

74  Sonic Trampoline: How Audio Feedback Impacts the User’s Experience of Jumping
Roberto Pugliese and Tapio Takala


2  EIC’s Message
Alan Hanjalic
Multimedia Search: From Relevance to Usefulness

6  Research Projects
Wolfgang Nejdl and Claudia Niedere
Photos to Remember, Photos to Forget
12   Media Impact
Julia Bernd, Blanca Gordo, Jaeyoung Choi, Bryan Morgan, Nicholas Henderson, Serge Egelman, Daniel D. Garcia, and Gerald Friedland
Teaching Privacy: Multimedia Making a Difference

80   Industry & Standards
Felix C. Fernandes, Xavier Ducloux, Zhan Ma, Esmaeil Faramarzi, Patrick Gendron, and Jiangtao Wen
The Green Metadata Standard for Energy-Efficient Video Consumption

88   Artful Media
Nora O’ Murch
Collaborative Modes of Curating Software

93  Scientific Conferences
Hatice Gunes
Toward Emotional and Social Signals in Multimedia at ACM Multimedia 2014

Susanne Boll and Alan Hanjalic
Expanding Topic Areas at ACM Multimedia

96  Scientific Conferences
Jonna Hakkil
Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia


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