
Location: Room 401 – 404, Computer Science Building at Utah Valley University in Orem, UT, United States.

Address of Utah Valley Valley University: 800 W University Pkwy, Orem, UT, USA.

Campus Map

Click here to access the main campus map

The major entrances to the venue are marked as red arrows below. The west and the south entrance are located on the 4th floor. The east entrance is located on the 6th floor.

The registration desk will be at the front of CS 401 as the image shows below. The parallel sections will be hosted at CS 401 to CS 404. The social events will be hosted at CS Lobby (CS 400).

Parking Information

There is no free parking for visitor on campus. Please check the visitor parking information at

There are free parking spaces outside the campus

  • Free parking at Walmart (13 minutes of walking):
  • Free parking at UTA Orem Central Station (23 minutes of walking):

Banquet Information

The banquet on July 12 (Wednesday) will be hosted at Tucanos Brazilian Grill.

The easiest way to reach Tucanos is taking UVX from the UVU Station to the University Place Station. It is free to take UVX at Orem.

The image below shows the potential schedule of heading the University Place Station from the UVU Station.

You can also check the full time table at the RideUTA website.