Welcome to ICALT 2022

The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 

   July 1-4, 2022

Bucharest, Romania


Conference Program (June 29, 2022)

New release! Conference Program (FINAL version on June 29, 2022) with ITS 2022’s last day activities can now be found at https://tc.computer.org/tclt/icalt-2022-conference-program/

NOTE: We found a typo in the earlier draft program (and has been fixed in this version) for Session 4-4A which should start at 11:30 and ends at 12:30 like other 4-4B and 4-4C sessions.


TCLT Student Award Winners!

The winners of IEEE TCLT Student Award for attending IEEE ICALT 2022

This year, we received a lot of applications. Due to the limited resources TCLT has, we cannot award every single application. After review and assess all applications, we are pleased to announce the winners that have been awarded a reimbursement of a SINGLE author registration ONLY (i.e., 2nd paper’s fee cannot be reimbursed).

See https://tc.computer.org/tclt/ieee-tclt-student-award-attending-icalt-2022/ for winners.


To make sure that you could always get all updates and information that IEEE Technical Community on Learning Technology has, you could consider to join any of the social networking groups (e.g., Discord, LINE, Telegram). You may find the information at https://tc.computer.org/tclt/social-media/

IEEE ICALT 2022's registration link is available NOW

IEEE ICALT 2022’s registration link is available at https://tc.computer.org/tclt/icalt-2022-registration/.

The following instruction video on IEEE TCLT’s official Youtub channel walks through the registration process. Please email registration+ICALT@computer.org if you need any registration assistance.

For questions regarding author submissions, please contact the IEEE TCLT Office at ieeetclt@gmail.com.

Please note that the deadline of Author’s registration, final camera-ready paper uploading and online copyright signing on IEEE CPS is 23:59 PM on May 6, 2022 in Pacific Time (see the correspondent time around the world at https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=IEEE+ICALT+2022+Author+Registration+Deadline&iso=20220506T235959&p1=137).

You are also encouraged to subscribe TCLT’s Youtube channel when we have 100 subscribers, we can change the channel’s name from the scramble string to a human readable one

TCLT Student Award now open for applying

IEEE TCLT aims to achieving greater Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and embedding EDI into the culture of TCLT community; for instance, its Web of Science ESCI indexed, Open Access and no article processing charge Bulletin of TCLT (https://tc.computer.org/tclt/bulletin/) has Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) section and Report from Developing Countries section (see https://tc.computer.org/tclt/author-guidelines/).

Therefore, in addition to the less cost registration fee options for online participants, TCLT also has student awards this year for ICALT 2022 student author’s SINGLE registration fee reimbursement ONLY (i.e., 2nd paper’s fee cannot be reimbursed).

See https://tc.computer.org/tclt/icalt-2022-student-award/ for more details and applying.

ITS 2022 and ICALT 2022 have one day overlapped!

ITS 2022 and ICALT 2022 will have their last day and first day overlapping on July 1 so registered ICALT participants can attend an “extrakeynote speech as well as the close ceremony that ITS 2022 has for FREE. Similarly, ITS participants can attend an “extra” keynote and openning ceremony that ICALT 2022 has for free either.

IEEE TCLT is also pleased to announce that registered ICALT participants will have discount on the registration fee for ITS 2022 and believes such collaboration arrangement can make researchers pay less (in terms of multiple flight tickets and conference registration fee) to get more (in terms of attending extra keynote speech, meeting more people, and knowing the other conference better through their close/opening ceremony).

ICALT conference is ranked as the second (2nd) by saliency in Educational Technology area, just follows CSCL (1st) in Microsoft Academic for the time period of 2000 to 2020, see https://tc.computer.org/tclt/ieee-icalt-conference-ranked-second-2nd-saliency/ for more details.


We invite submission of papers reporting original academic or industrial research in the area of on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning according to the following tracks:


All papers will be double-blindly peer-reviewed. Author guidelines and formating templates can be accessed at ICALT Author guidelines webpage. Complete papers are required to be reviewed. The expected types of submissions include:

  • Full paper: 5 pages
  • Short paper: 3 pages
  • Discussion paper: 2 pages
  • Doctoral Consortium paper: 3 pages

Important Note: These page limits include authors’ information, abstract (no more than 200 words), all tables, figures, references, etc.

Please submit your manuscript (in only PDF format) at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icalt2022

If you have any problems with the above web submission form, you can contact IEEE TCLT Office at: ieeetclt@gmail.com (Subject: “ICALT 2022 Submission Enquiry”) and one of the ICALT Chairs will contact you for further assistance.


Conference Proceedings are published by:
The IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services

Proceedings accepted in Xplore are available to indexing partners, including EIScopus, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index; these indexing partners have final say on what they include and the process can take anywhere between 4 and 12 months, depending on how busy the indexing partner is at the time.



  • January 14, 2022 (Friday): Submission deadline for all papers (Full paper, Short paper, Discussion paper)
  • February 4, 2022 (Friday): Extended Submission deadline for all papers (Full paper, Short paper, Discussion paper)
  • April 1, 2022 (Friday): Authors’ Notification on the review process results
  • May 6, 2022 (Friday): Author’s registration deadline
  • May 6, 2022 (Friday): Final Camera-Ready Manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form submission
  • May 20, 2022 (Friday): Non-authors’ early bird registration deadline
  • July 1-4, 2022 (Friday to Monday): ICALT 2022 Conference



Conference Founder

  • Kinshuk, University of North Texas, USA

General Chairs

  • Nian-Shing CHEN, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
  • Demetrios SAMPSON, University of Piraeus, Greece
  • Stefan TRAUSAN-MATU, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

General Program Chairs

  • Maiga CHANG, Athabasca University, Canada
  • Mihai DASCALU, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ahmed TLILI, Beijing Normal University, China

Advisory Committee

  • Claude FRASSON, University of Montreal, Canada
  • Mohamed JEMNI, The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization – ALECSO, Tunisia
  • Riichiro MIZOGUCHI, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

Finance Chair

  • Mihai DASCALU, University Politehnica of Bucharest
  • Rita KUO [Advisor] New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, USA; Vice Chair, EDI & Event, IEEE TCLT

Website Maintenance Team

  • María F. IRIARTE, Athabasca University, Canada; Graphic Design & Website Management, IEEE TCLT
  • Laur NEAGU, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
  • Irina TOMA, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania