Rita Kuo

Rita Kuo is Instructor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech). Her research interests include e-learning, computerized adaptive testing, computerized item generation, cognitive theory, intelligent agent, mobile learning, and game-based learning. She is the executive editor of the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology since 2020 and the associate editor of Technology for Education and Learning since 2014. She has been the track coordinator of Track 7: Technology-Enhanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education (TeSTEM) in ICALT since 2018 and the chair of the Educational Gamification and Game-based Learning (EGG) special interest group (SIG) under the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) since 2020. Moreover, she has been reviewers for many journals, e.g., Springer’s Transactions on Edutainment, Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI), International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (SSCI), Journal of Internet Technology (SCI), and International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI).